Another self-defense shooting

Greg L

New member
(copy of story)

No charges in shooting

Prosecutors say they don't plan to file charges in connection with a weekend break-in that ended with deadly gunfire.
Early Sunday morning 21-year-old Tariq Beaudouin was shot and killed as he was breaking into a house at 41st and Miami.

At the time, 19-year-old Anthony Sims was arrested for criminal homicide in connection with the shooting.

On Tuesday, the Douglas County Attorney's office refused to file charges against Sims.

Chief Deputy County Attorney Don Kleine says, "There's no question of who was the shooter here. The question is was it justified or not and we don't have any evidence to show that it wasn't justified at this point."

Kleine says the law is straightforward when a homeowner shoots an intruder.

It is justified only if the homeowner fears for his or her life and not if the gun is fired in defense of property.