Another school shooting


New member
By DUNCAN MANSFIELD, Associated Press Writer
12 minutes ago

JACKSBORO, Tenn. - A student shot and killed an assistant principal and seriously wounded two other administrators at a high school Tuesday, officials said. The student was arrested.

The motive for the shooting at Campbell County High School, 30 miles from Knoxville, was not immediately known, Sheriff Ron McClellan told WVLT-TV.

"We don't know yet. I have the individual at the hospital," McClellan said. "These men are all fine Christian men, and I am at a loss for words."

Assistant Principal Ken Bruce was killed, according to state Education Department spokeswoman Rachel Woods. Principal Gary Seale, who was shot while trying to take the student into custody, was reported in serious condition, and Assistant Principal Jim Pierce in critical condition.

Parents rushed to the 1,400-student school to take their children home.

The school was locked down after the shooting, and students were evacuated and loaded onto buses. "They are searching each student as they are getting on the buses," said Roger Wallace, a driver at a pizza restaurant nearby.


New member
WSMV out of Nashville just reported that the young man had recently just returned from "reform school" (I'm an educator and I haven't heard that term used in a long time).

They did not yet report any additional details on the potential motivations of the young man.

In the next story, a young man from a high school (in Williamson County, I think) was apparently accidentally shot and killed by another young man after target shooting with a .22 caliber revolver in the woods behind their home (the revolver had originally belonged to the deceased young man's father [himself deceased some years ago]). They were back at the deceased young man's home when the other young man closed the cylinder and pulled the trigger on two spent casings. He then pointed the revolver at the other young man's head and pulled the trigger...the third chamber's round was not spent.

Finally, in a third school-related incident, a principal (reportedly popular with students and staff) was working late at school last night (?) when he was accosted and beaten by two masked men armed with baseball bats. His facial reconstruction went well, and he is expected to recover fully.

I think I'll tread carefully at school tomorrow....

My heart goes out to all of the victims, their families, and friends.
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New member
who the hell beats up a school principal? Cowards....

(recalls the mighty voice of Massad Ayoob regarding the necessity of using lethal force in certain situations). Someone should give that principal a nice HK USP compact.


I made a post just yesterday (or day before) that principles should be requried to carry a firearm (and be trained to use it). Once again my timing is so odd.


New member
i would vote for any school staff with a cwp be allowed to carry on school grounds. perhaps with some additional training required.


New member
I think it is really sad and I offer condolances to the family of Ass Principal Ken Bruce. I hope the other two who were seriously injured, Seale and Pierce, make speedy recoveries.


New member
22, the abbreviation for assistant is "asst" :)

Crap like this is why I have a job at a college. I wish I wasn't needed.


New member
Interesting development....

The local CBS affiliate reported on its evening newscasts that the principal who claimed to have been beaten by the men with the baseball bats now has admitted to law enforcement officials that his injuries were self-inflicted.

The answer to the question "Why?" has not yet been made public.


How could this have happened? TN law bans guns in school buildings!

Sad situation, sadder because the victims were adults and could possibly have defended themselves. Anyone know if any of the victims had a carry license?


New member
Time once again to open the BIG CAN OF WORMS. Carry permits for certain qualified school staff.

And old school parenting classes for 90% of the screwed up populous that spawns, then fails to teach these screwed up little bastards anything at all....


New member
School Law enfocement Personnel

It might come down in the future depending on the high schools their incidents and where they are located many schools might have metal detectors and law enforcement officers working in the schools checking students and making arrests. I know many schools in the inner cities have metal detectors but I don't think they have law enforcement officers walking around but it may come to that with all this high school shootings. You look at some universities and the have law enforcement officers and the powers to arrest and use deadly force if need be.


New member
here in texas, well at least from around where i live, we have school resource officers at all the highschools. they make arrests and write out citations for drug posessions, fights, etc... the issue here is that parents cant be cry babies when they find out that their child's principal shot little johnny b/c he went crazy and started to kill everything that moved.

Hunter Rose

New member
>What would posses somone to do that?<

You're expecting maybe a logical reason? Sometimes, people just loose it, doesn't have to be a logical reason (although I'd bet there are some chemicals involved)...
school shooting

id like to take the shooter and take him in the wood shead for a real good ass
beating from the wooden paddle
every day of his life
to try to teach him a lesson