Another reason to own a gun


New member
Last night was a long night. About midnight my wife and I where woken up by three gun shots close to our house, as we where wondering what was going on two more gun shots where heard about 30 seconds latter but a little farther away. Maybe a minute had past after the last two shots when we received a phone call from our neighbor that lives across the street whom explaned to me that there was a man on the street that tried to jump the fence of the neighbor on the right side of my house across the street.
He saw the burglar and told him to get a way from the house but the burglar disapeared behind some trees, and that is when my neighbor fire one round of .357 mag at the tree area, the perp jump out of his hiding place and then my neighbor fired two more rounds and lost sight of the perp, but seconds latter the perp fired back two shots of maybe 9mm or .38 from what I could hear.
Well on the phone he asked me to be alert in case the bg came back or was hiden in my back yard, I got up picked up My Bda. 380 and my wife picked up the Taurus 851. 38. and asked her to call the police.
I could see my neighbor and his sister on the porch of their house across the street thru my window, after I checked my back yard thru the windows I went out and found nothing.
I asked my neighbor if he had extra ammo and he answered he only had three rounds left of .357 so I gave him three rounds of .38 spl since I had some left.
As we where talking and waiting for the police he described in person the incident again and where the BG was when he fired the first .357 round, at that moment we heard some movement in the garage of the house the burglar wanted to assault, his sister called on phone the other neighbor a very old couple and asked them to turn on the patio lights and they did just that. My neighbor and I walked across the street to help out the old folks and checked the patio and found nothing.
An hour passed and the police never showed up, three phone calls where made one by my wife and two by my neighbor, after that we shook hands and asked each other to be alert just in case.
All this happened las night! as we went back to bed around 1:30am I told my wife can you imagine If we had to rely only on the police to protect our selves, what would we have done if the burglar had chosen our house and we did not have a gun, the police did not show up, so again I had another reason to own a gun. Thank God non of us was injured.


New member
firing a warning shot in north carolina will void your chl. but i think all of YOUR actions were top shelf and congrats on being prepared. i bet the bg did crap himself when that magnum flew by.


that is when my neighbor fire one round of .357 mag at the tree area, the perp jump out of his hiding place and then my neighbor fired two more rounds and lost sight of the perp, but seconds latter the perp fired back two shots of maybe 9mm or .38 from what I could hear.

Don't you mean...

The perp fired two rounds of 'something' at your neighbor and then your neighbor opened fire?


The perp jumped out menacingly holding something in his hand that looked like a gun and started to lift it, so your neighbor opened fire?


New member
I am interested in what city/county/state patrol failed to respond to a shots fired 911 call!!??

I'd have to dig up the stats again, but in one year something like 10,000 calls to 911 went unanswered (it may have even been 100,000 as I'm quoting from memory).

And I think these are the calls that simply "drop off" the 911 boards and doesn't necessarily include those calls received but never dispatched.


New member
Thank God your neighbor didn't hit the suspect. He saw a suspect who hid and he fired a round at the hiding place. Then as the suspect ran he fired 2 more rounds. All of this didn't even happen in that neighbor's yard. He was shooting across the street. With the suspect not threatening your neighbor at this time he would have had a hard time explaining that in court if one of those rounds had connected. It may have been for the best that the police didn't show up so they wouldn't hear that story.


New member

In California U can not shoot at some sound that goes bump in the night. Some one has to intend to do you harm before U use deadly force. Read "In the Gravest Extreme".

shoots awe lots

New member
Good thing neighbor did'nt hit him, he would own neighbors house if he lived. Could of been a bad nite for neighbor, tell him to remember, purpe fired first.:rolleyes:


New member
>>I asked my neighbor if he had extra ammo and he answered he only had three rounds left of .357 so I gave him three rounds of .38 spl since I had some left.<<

Nothing like being ill prepared...............


New member
I wonder how old that 357 ammuniton was? Shooting outside your yard is a serious mistake with legal consequences. Glad that no one was hit by the gun fire. I bet the flame out of that 357 scared the cr*p out of that person not to mention a bullet heading your way.


New member
Good for you, you got to protect your neighborhood from these criminals

The reason why I own a handgun and got a CCW....One afternoon I heard screaming from the neighbors kid and 2 doors down. I poked my head out on the deck that overlooks the neighbors yard, and I see my neigbors daughter cowarding at one end of those trampolines with the saftey net around them, with a guy I did not know trying to reach in to get the kid. I ran upstairs as quick as I can and got my Marlin 30/30 and grabbed two rounds I had hidden for emergencies. I ran back down the stairs and went out on the deck. Now my neighbors kid 3 doors down (a teenager) had a baseball bat and was trying to get over some hedges and the mother of the girl was out on he deck screaming, holding a poker for a BBQ grill. The guy was backed away a bit, but was screaming that he was lost and was only asking for directions, all the while having his hand in his jacket like he was going to pull something on the teenager with bat. I gave a big old "Hey" chambered a round and went to point the rifle at this guy, but he seen me and took off running thru the woods in the back of our houses. Thankfully we gave the police a description, and it match someone on the local Megans Law list. Last I heard he was picked up, but unfortunately I don't think he is doing any time.

After that I had a sitdown with my wife and said we need different, more defensive weapons than old hunting rifles and shotguns, and so I started buying handguns. Also we made a promise to each other in the neighborhood to keep a watch over each other, especially the kids.

Reason to own a gun, you don't want to be stuck with a poker, or a baseball bat when your kids are in trouble.


New member

Well thats about it. I even had a good felling after helping my elderly neighbors, if there would of been someone inside the old folks home theycould not defend themselves and that is something I would like some young folk do for me when I get old.
In chuch you always hear that it is good to help people to offer your service to others but I beleive it not only applies to charity, it also applies in helping or defending those who can not do it by themselves.
