Another Reason To Be Armed


New member
what link?

Try that again....OOPS. Never showed up a few seconds later!

It absolutely AMAZES ME that absolutely NO ONE on that scene owned a gun. Sheesh.



New member
I really wonder if the CCW Law would allow for the shooting of the dogs? It's a shame to have to consider this but it's not clear. That is to say if the dogs were attacking a third party and a CCW holder intervened...



New member
I think in that situation it would be justified to intervene.

-If you see a fight between two men you don't know, call the cops
-You see a mugging across the street, get an ID of the criminal, and call the cops
-someone breaks into your home and is threatening you with immediate bodily harm....well you know the answer :mad:
- I think three dogs tearing a couple of kids apart counts because your helping those who can't help themselves. Especially if its not on the dog owners property.

I don't think every situation requires an intervention, this one and some others do.


New member
shoot the dogs?

It depends upon the state you're in, I expect. In Texas you would be allowed to shoot the dogs, as you would be intervening to prevent the loss of life of another. Of course, if the dogs are chewing on a child, well, you'd better get really really close to the dog and really really make sure of where that bullet is going to go once it leaves your gun.



New member
Cary, Ill is in the shadow of Chicago. CCW is out of the question and even ownership of firearms is severly limited.

The brilliant minds at work in the state capital will most likely introduce a bill to ban Pit Bulls...

My opinion is the owner of the animals should be facing criminal charges right now. A person with a gun very well may have ended this sooner. I would not risk shooting from a distance but I am not going to just let a pit bull maul a child until it feels it is done.


New member
I figured the guys with the bats could wack it to keep its attention while I got close enough to ensure a hit without hitting the child. I agree the pitbull owner should face charges.

I figure pitbull owners need to be extra carefull. With all the publicity over their attacks I would make sure it was locked up 24/7.

I love dogs, but I hate pitbulls! :barf:


New member
It depends upon the state you're in, I expect. In Texas you would be allowed to shoot the dogs, as you would be intervening to prevent the loss of life of another. Of course, if the dogs are chewing on a child, well, you'd better get really really close to the dog and really really make sure of where that bullet is going to go once it leaves your gun.

Hey, I was gonna say that. Since you took the thoughts right out of my brain, I will simply add that I love Texas. :)


How ironic that today I come upon this post.
I pulled my .38 on my neighbors dog today, a (excuse the spelling),Wiemeraner.
It came at me after the owner, my neighbor, opend the gate.
I drew and leveled my sights on its head as it came towards me from about 12 ft away.
The owner and I both yelled at it to "STOP" and luckily(for it!) it did!
It stood about 3 ft in front of me snarling and barking.
I'vre told these people before that if that dog comes anywhere near me or my family, I'm gonna either shoot it or drag it into the pool and drown it.
Too bad because I adore dogs but this is a schitzy, nervous, barking pain in the butt!!
I do believe they now know how serious I am.
As for intervening in an animal attack, I wouldn't think half a second!
I could be my child!
My heart goes out to that poor boy.
I've seen pit bull victims and it is NOT pretty.
I hope he was able to cover his face.
I hope they really slam the owner!:mad:


New member
I'm pretty level headed about most things, but pitbulls take me out of character. I HATE that breed. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if every single pitbull were slaughtered today. I know this'll bring a rush of people saying, "I have a pitbull and he's the most gentle dog in the world - it's not the dog, it's the owner - other breeds attack more people than pitbulls do - you are a heartless jerk and if you ever touched my pitbull I'd kill you, etc, etc" but it's my opinion. That is a murderous, bloodthirsty breed of dog and they should all be killed posthaste.


New member
Hmmmm.... Regardless of what the law may be in any particular state, I'd gladly give up my CCW license and be charged to save the life of two little kiddies from attacking dogs given the situation that was described. I'd take it to court afterwards of course, but in a case like that, whatever it takes to resolve the immediate threat is reasonable IMHO.


Well, at least the a-hole owner lost his thumb to his own maniacal dogs. Too bad the jerkoff didn't lose both hands. :mad:



from the article said:
The pit bulls attacked the two children, and when the dogs' owner tried to stop them, the dogs turned on him and bit off his thumb, Nygren said. The boy's father also tried to protect his son and was attacked. The dogs went after another neighbor as well.

"The scene sprawled over a couple blocks, it was a very chaotic scene," said Lt. Michael Douglas of the Cary Fire Protection District.

Residents threw rocks at the dogs and honked car horns to try to distract them from attacking before police arrived and shot the animals.

Jim Malone said he and a neighbor tried to beat the dogs back with baseball bats. "He'd hit them, they'd run, and they'd come back," Malone said. "This went on for 15 minutes."


How can ANYONE in their right mind not come out of this seeing it as a call for everyday people to own guns?!

Yes, they will instead say it's a call to ban these dogs.

I hope that every adult who witnessed or took part in that "chaos" now feels the driving need to obtain a handgun.

Dogs don't "come back" from a .40 S&W round to the brain.

This incident starkly underscores the futility that these people faced. They couldn't do what needed to be done. Why? They didn't have adequate tools to do the job. What tools did they need? GUNS.

When I picture this in my mind, I see it as a t.v. screen showing the action, with a big word superimposed across it in red: PATHETIC!! People honking car horns, and throwing rocks?! Is this really what good, honest people have been reduced to because of Illinois' gun laws -- and indoctrination that good, honest people don't have any good reason to have guns?!



New member
Dogs are animals and have instincts. In some cases certain breeds have stronger instincts than others through wild and managed breeding habits. Pit Bulls have for years been bred to be more and more aggressive. Sorry but it's true. Sure some people have ones that are sweet and lovable but the bottom line is genetically they are all a little closer to a psychotic killer with a desire to rip out throat and gonads than most other breeds.

I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He is a great gaurd dog, smart as a whip but due to generations of breeding he is very independant minded (read stubborn) and will take off chasing whatever he may see. If this is a train I may have to follow it to the next station before he will stop. Know these are traits of the breed I take the needed steps of having a high fence and strong leash whenever we are outside the fence/house. I also know that on some level it will always be a small test of wills as he tries to get away with things. That is just the breed and the trade off you make. One nice thing about purebreeds is you should know some of the temperment from the start and decide accordingly.

Back to Pit Bulls. I am not going to say you can't own them but I am going to say their temperment requires a very responsible form of ownership. Unfortunately 95% of the people out there who get them are NOT the type of people who should own such a dog. This leads to disasters... The answer is to hold these people 100% responsible for their dog's actions and make it very public. People need to know that owning one of these animals and not taking proper care of it can cost you your money, your house, and even your freedom if your negligence costs another person their life and or health.

Sir William

New member
Call 911? The disturbing (to me) fact is that it took 15 MINUTES for police to arrive!?! What were the LEOs doing? How can such an attack go on for two blocks, chaos reigning and a LEO be UNAWARE and not respond hot? I guess someone should have reported a man with a gun, that usually merits a hot response of less than three minutes.


New member
Saw this yesterday & had the same thought. How could nobody on that entire block have a firearm, and this could continue for 15 minutes?

And folks, if a bunch of pit bulls were tearing a 10 year old child apart, it would be no time to be pondering the legality of putting a few rounds into it. KILL THE DOGS NOW!

In another thread here, we went on for days about how you might feel if you shot through a door & killed an innocent person. How could you live with yourself if you had the means to stop an attack like this & stood by because it MIGHT be illegal to shoot a dog & allowed it to kill a child?



New member
My opinion is the owner of the animals should be facing criminal charges right now.
Shouldn't we wait for all details before calling for his blood.

Pit Bulls have for years been bred to be more and more aggressive
Pits have been bred for aggression to other animals not humans

I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He is a great gaurd dog, smart as a whip but due to generations of breeding he is very independant minded
Back in the 30s there was a call to ban them as back biters some areas in Florida imposed that ban. Interesting huh

The answer is to hold these people 100% responsible for their dog's actions and make it very public. People need to know that owning one of these animals and not taking proper care of it can cost you your money, your house, and even your freedom if your negligence costs another person their life and or health.
The answer is to establish and even codify exactly what the definition of proper precautions is. And then punish those that violate those codes not wait until after it happens and then show them how wrong they were

281 Quad Cam

New member
Pits have been bred for aggression to other animals not humans

I SERIOUSLY doubt that is even possible. Despite the good intentions of the breeders. (That is, if you buy the notion that a breeder breeding a dog to be more vicious toward anything can be with good intentions.)


New member
It SERIOUSLY was done

Human aggressive dogs were not bred it's that simple. And those that showed human aggression tendencies were put down.

And it is not a natural trait of the Pit Bull breeds