Another range in SE FL bites the least for a while


New member
I am posting this item here because I no rights to post to the Law and Civil Rights section (which I think is kind of ironic.)

Another SE Florida range gets shut down. Martin County officials are playing politics in my viewpoint.

Read here:

As an open letter to the range owner:


As a Professional Civil Engineer I will donate up to 80 hours of otherwise billable time to help you get your needed permits and zoning from Martin County. We need this range in South East Florida. Besides you were there first before the houses.

Please contact me and let me know how to help.


Craig C. Houdeshell, PE


If anyone knows the owner of the range please let me know.



New member
It happened to the Tucson Rod and Gun Club a couple of years ago. When I first was a member it was out in the middle of NOWHERE. Little by little homes came closer, then a school then the hikers, all complaining about the noise. Well the club is long gone, now people just go off in the desert and shoot. Too bad as there is no control of their shots, but what can shooters do when the bunny huggers and tree squeezers get THEIR way.
I always encourage any club to buy ALL the land around them that they can, find ways to generate money to purchase all the surrounding property because Sooner or Later, there will be complaints about the noise or impact area, anything the "environmental" idgits can think of to close them down. It has happened before and it will happen many time in the future.


New member
Something smells fishy? Yep.

The snowbird northeasterners and other transplants don't like guns and don't understand living in the country

Martin County is highly politically charged so there are all kinds of things in play. Like trying to make it difficult to have a range so the land is sold for development.

It will be amazing how easy it is to get the zoning then.

I am in the consulting engineering biz in Jupiter, FL which is the next county south (and about 30 mile ) of where this is happening.

Fishy? Yep! This one really stinks - in several ways.

- Craig


New member
I feel bad for them, the Gun Club I mean. People move next to Airports and complain about the noise too. I haven't heard of any Airports being shut down from neighbors complaints. People know FULL well there is a gun club near them. Why buy property there if the noise bothers you. Most clubs I belong to don't start to shoot til 9am and many close down at sunset. Some have night shooting but that stops around 10pm.


New member
I used to shoot a a trap range that was right along side a busy highway and shooters shot towards housing. You could DEFINATELY hear the gunfire at the houses and when driving by but there wasn't ever any talk of shutting the place down. We had to be closed and lights out by a certain time, 10:00PM as I remember, but otherwise, no probs.
And that was in the communist republik of New Jersey.


New member
I haven't heard of any Airports being shut down from neighbors complaints.

This is actually a huge problem. Small, general aviation airports all over the country are being closed at an alarming rate. Someone builds a house under the extended center-line of the runway then starts raising hell about the noise. Never mind that the airport has been there for 50 years and is an enormous asset to the community.

Check out

They're the general aviation equivalent of the NRA and the only reason we haven't lost more.


New member
lockedcj7. I know the feeling. I hate it when people can move into an area and shut down long time businesses. I lived in Tucson for half of my life and hope to return soon. Many years ago Tucson was a flight training area for the Army Air Force. There were and still are many airparks out there that date way back. In fact when I was learning to fly I was coming out of one of these OLD airparks. My late Father in Law trained out there at one of them during the war,,, number 2, I mean.