Another Public Killing at Virginia Tech...

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New member
BLACKSBURG, Va. (Jan. 21) — A graduate student from China was decapitated with a kitchen knife in a campus cafe at Virginia Tech by another graduate student who knew her, police said Thursday.

Maybe they should ban kitchen knives on school property too?

Too bad campus carry hasn't been gotten through yet. I highly suggest everyone go and check out and make donations/offer any other support you can. Maybe one day we can keep stuff like this from happening in our schools.


New member
Sounds like they had unfinished business from China or something. 1 minute police response time? Wish it were like that everywhere.


New member
From what I read the fancy new electronic campus alert system let everyone know to hunker down and hide 30 minutes after the suspect was in custody.

I don't think this was anything like the VT rampage shooting. This was probably a nut job obsessed with a girl, lone psycho targeting a lone victim who could have been anywhere. VT itself as a school had nothing to do with this aside from being where they both were.


New member
Try rereading your second comment. Your comment can be misconstrued as a jab at Native Americans.

Really? I meant it as a jab at whites descended from Europeans who think they're not foreigners just because their ancestor's military technology was more advanced than the military technology of the ACTUAL people from this country.

Guess I should be more specific :(


New member
Closed for basic ugliness, inappropriate comments -- and for being off topic in the first place.

Every tragic news story is not necessarily gun related, nor is every gun related post on topic for the tactics and training forum.

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