Another poster re-make

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Older image : I don't care for the graphic and the lack of readability. OTOH, it did and does express my sentiments clearly.

A re-make ended up veering off the original topic, let's see if it is any good. Target audience would be gun owners who view ATF as a reasonable institution, also people who say "Times have changed, no one is threatening us anymore".




New member
The original text was much better. Maybe make two, each with a different take on the same thing? This graphic is better, though. One of your few where the gun isn't being aimed! :D

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Fix the text in the old poster and for the new poster just use:

"THE ORGINAL BATF: Enforcing Gun Laws since 1942!"

(I know 1942 isnt the correct date of the start of Nazi abuses - but 1942 is a date that stands out in peoples minds regarding WWII and the Nazis. )


New member
Don’t care much for the graphic also; it’s hard to make out the “ATF” label on the helmet and it looks like the character is half smiling half stifling a laugh, which could make an interesting saying in itself.

Try this for text:

Gestapo, Stasi, and KGB
Abused their disarmed
Victims at will.

Some say times have changed
let the BATF stay
I say the more things change…

Between the two I prefer the older version.
Other wise, I love your work, it's great.

edited to say: at the end of the text let the reader fill in the rest of the Cliché ...the more they stay the same.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I am uploading my new pages right now. In a few minutes, I will make them visible to TFL.
Once the new pages are debugged, I will go over a number of old posters and edit images and captions to update them. Then I will start creating new graphics. So much work, so few hours in a day...

Thanks for your patience with my less than inspired posters lately. I think I've been growing soft and relaxed in the great state of Tennessee. Angst helps with creativity.


New member
Both those posters....

have WHITE MALES (pale penis people, as Jonah Goldberg says).
They are by definition racist.

OTOH, to portray a pimented person would be called racist in the 'Willie Horton' style.

How about a Teletubbie? Oh no, homophobic. Maybe just the text? Nah, discrimination against 'differently-abled' persons who can't read.

Probably best not to get out of bed in the morning, you might offend someone.
Love the image. Can't really see the red "AFT" on the helmet and I'd leave the helmet alone. As for last line, I'd use a simpler: "Have they?"

Long Path

New member
I like the new one better. Use bright white for the "A T F" on the helmet, to make it stand out. I second Gary's suggestion re: "Have They?"

I understand where you're going with the "You don't want to find yourself agreeing with the policies of Nazis, do you?" message, but sometimes we need a subtler way of putting it, rather than the blatant "Do You Agree?"


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Can anyone tellme where I can find high-res images of real ATFers? I'd rather not besmirch the good name of the Wermacht :rolleyes: by tying a picture of them to the ATF.


New member
I like the second one..except the ATF on his helmet; it doesn't really stand out.

How about two figures, side by side? Wehrmaht officer with his MP40 and an ATF goon in full gear, with MP5, in a similar pose?


New member
Oleg - Any possibility of changing the camo to black "ninja suit"?
Could you lift an actual ATFer from the famous photo (roof scene) of the invasion of Mount Carmel?



New member
Keep the new image, it's much better, the non-guner won't recognize the Luger or it's implications from history. use this version of the old text:

"Gun ownership should be for responsible government agencies only.

Such as the Gestapo, the Stasi, or the KGB. They knew better right?"

Get the ATF of the German helmet. We get the idea, but you want to get the un-committed thinking, not alienated from us.

My $.02