Another NJ Blissninny bites the dust.


New member

Another case of how the gun laws in NJ are here to 'protect' us. My parents live about 8 miles (as the crow flies) from this event, and my mother can't understand why anyone would want a gun, and contributes to the Brady campaign. I'm so ashamed.

Printed out the article for her, so we can have a rather lively conversation over dinner this week. :D


New member
"Now Rovert, you know if they just took up all the guns we wouldn't have this problem."
"But Mom!"
"That poor old man should consider himself lucky he didn't have a gun. He might have gotten hurt much worse."
"He's dead, Mom."
"Even so, that Terrell fellow wouln't have been able to get a gun if they were illegal."
"But his gun wasn't legal."
"Now don't you backsass your mother. You're not too old to spank."

I can sympathise with you. I have liberal relatives as well. Best just move away and change your name to Browning.


New member
All that background on Johnson was really necessary for the story of 2 home invaders commiting First Degree murder, wasn't it? :rolleyes:


New member
M&M, I hear 'ya. People just never want to admit they're wrong. I forget which politician it was - Nixon, maybe - that once said "I've got my mind made up... please don't confuse me with the facts".

Blackhawk, welcome to the era of Liberalism, and particularly the attitudes in NJ, where the victim is blamed, and the anti-gun lobby would rather see you turned into a pile of goo, rather than let you have the tools with which to defend yourself. By portraying Johnson as a somewhat shady character, seemingly justifies the action, and supports the prevailing anti-gun views, since it leads to the 'he got what was coming to him' mindset, since all of us whacko gun owners are just begging for trouble if we own a firearm... right? :rolleyes:


New member
How could this happen???

Why they shot him remained unclear, however.

"Sometimes in situations like this, that can happen,'' Mordaga said

Now wait a minute! I thought the rules were that if I let them take my stuff, they wouldn't shoot me. If I had a gun and I shot them, I would be shooting someone for a TV. It's not right to shoot someone over a TV. Aren't those the rules? Why are the bad guys not following the rules. :rolleyes:


New member
Nuther rule violated by the hoods......sounds like they busted into an "upper class" home.

Darn good work by the "samaritan".



New member
Blackhawk, I was thinking the same thing while reading that article. You'd think that Johnson was an accessory to his own murder the way they trashed him! Wow... :rolleyes:


New member
Our local papers did the same thing when 12 yr. old Brett Bowyer was murdered during a home invasion.

Although it's not in this particular article, all sorts of bad press came out about the boy's father and his prior run-ins with the law. The Sheriff of the county really ate up the papers about it, as did many friends of the family.

They also made a big deal out of the fact that the father owned a gun, and that his gun was used to kill his son. The BG's had guns, but chose to use the father's gun, (my speculation) so that the guns they had couldn't ever be traced to the shooting.

I hate the "press". Unless it's Fox News :)