Another new Tactical owner


New member
I picked up my new Tactical earlier this week and went straight to the shooting range with only 100rnds of ammo. It was quite a delight shooting this weapon. I also own a Sig p220 which has been my favorite handgun. The tactical was shooting low and to the left out of the box. I had to adjust it three clicks up and three clicks to the right. Once I had it shooting correctly I was out of ammo. However, it was very accurate. It can shoot better than I am yet able to. For $899 brand new I believe I got my money's worth. I really like the carrying case with cleaning kit etc. I am going to buy a flash supressor and thread protector as soon as my wallet gains a little weight. I would buy another H&K. Maybe a P7M8 next year. Good day.


New member
Glad you like yours too. Interesting that both of ours were shooting low out of the box. It seems fine since I sighted it in.
I've been pushing it hard into the holster on purpose to see if it throws the sites off, but it hasn't yet.

Have you tried .45 Super yet? I was thinking about trying some this weekend. I'll let you know how it is. I've had some trouble finding dealers who even carry it.

Have fun, it's a great gun!


New member
Chipperman, I haven't tried 45 super yet. I would like to sometime, however, I heard that it was recommended to have a stiffer recoil spring when using this round. I read some other information here too that confuses me. Why is possible to shoot the hot 45 super and not recommended to use reloads (i.e. only factory ammo is recommended)? In the arcives there is a story about two LEO's at a Ca shooting range. They were each using reloads with each of their USP's and both of them had the frame blow up. Wow, not only is that dangerous but could be very expensive too. Have you heard this?


New member
If you do a search on USP and cops you can probably find the thread. They were using faulty reloaded ammo, according to the reports. The pistols were not to blame, as far as I am aware.

As far as reloads in general, I think all of the makers say not to use reloads if you read the fine print in the manuals. CYA for the companies. I do not plan to shoot reloads thru mine. It just isn't worth it to me. If something ever does go wrong with the pistol, I can then send it back under warranty. The minute you shoot reloads, the warranty is void. (not that they could prove it, but...)

The USP's are supposed to be ok with .45 Super b/c of the fully supported chamber, which most other pistols do not possess.
I looked at another store today, still no luck finding the .45 Super. I have found some on the Web, but just wanted to get one box to try it out. As far as changing to a stiffer spring, I have not heard that. If you run across it again, please post where the info is.