Another Mass LTC denied (RANT)


New member
Its funny ,if you look up the search terms in these forums:


every thread that you get as a search result is from Massachusetts..

Im a 31 year old law abiding design engineer who has never been arrested, never been in legal trouble of any kind, has no unsavory friends, doesnt do drugs, and has absolutely no disqualifying attributes WHATSOEVER...
Yet it seems I am considered by the state of Massachusetts to be no better than a common criminal...
I have spent well over a thousand dollars between taking "private", one on one classes as well as above and beyond pistol courses. Add to that the GOAL Concealed Carry Course, in conjunction with paying for a years range membership that i cant even use so that they couldnt use the "you must join a range first" excuse.. As well as my standard GOAL and NRA memberships for the last 2 years.
All for what????
to get the silent denial..

im extremely upset as a tax payer, a voter, and a US citizen that im considered to be no more than a common scumbag, murderer, drug addict by my own local law enforcment authority..
This is the second or third most expensive state to live in in the United States, Yet i dont seem to know what it is exactly im paying for..Sure as hell isnt freedom..
I have lost all faith in powers that be....


New member
.................I'm considered to be no more than a scumbag, murderer, drug addict by my local law enforcement authority.

That's not a law enforcement agency. It's an occupation force. There's a difference.
MA, NJ, NY, CA, IL, MD and the other socialists paradises are lost causes and nothing can bring them back. Your best bet if you want a chance of freedom and living in the real America, is to leave for someplace where you can at least hold your ground.


New member
I'm self-employed, my wife as well. Our business and taxdollars and being law-abiding productive members of society is no longer something California will benefit from for that very reason. We got out four years ago and I can absolutely say it was the best thing I ever did! So long, see ya, really enjoying watching California teetering on the edge of being the first state in the country to declare bankruptcy. Would have liked to help but apparently we were not welcome there. Only criminals and illegal aliens seem to really be welcome there. If I ever become a murderer, robber, or rapist you can bet I will be back since I don't want my life severely disrupted if I get caught, but short of that - goodbye California. Enjoy the wonderful class of people you want living there.

Number 6

You fail to state what town denied you

and for what reason. All I see is a reference to " the silent denial."

For a GOAL member, you appear to be ill-informed about your rights. First, any application not acted on w/i 40 days of submission is deemed a denial and can be appealed accordingly. How long have you waited - and WHY?

Second, there is no "range membership requirement" under the law. In fact, there is a decision from the Quincy District Court STRIKING DOWN such a requirement. Why are you putting up with this obstructionism?

Who prepared your application? Did you have the PD time-stamp it when you submitted it? Did you even keep a copy?

Note also that a search using the term "LTC" will necessarily bring up Massachusetts because that it what it calls its handgun license; other states call them CCWs or CLPs.

Rants are pretty pointless. As Sean Connery's character in "The Untouchables" correctly asks, "What are you prepared to DO?"


New member
you fail to list what town and for what reason. All I see is a reference to " the silent denial."
The reason is that i am now just past my 40 days, and the only reason i didnt include the town is to not cause any kind of unessecary friction between myself and my local chief of police for whom all i know may be a moderator here.

For a GOAL member, you appear to be ill-informed about your rights. First, any application not acted on w/i 40 days of submission is deemed a denial and can be appealed accordingly. How long have you waited - and WHY?
I am not ill informed in the least. Im well aware of these facts and have had my situation passed on to the director over at goal and am awaiting word on how to proceed.

Second, there is no "range membership requirement" under the law. In fact, there is a decision from the Quincy District Court STRIKING DOWN such a requirement. Why are you putting up with this obstructionism?
I also understand that comepletely, but a search of this forum, thehighroad,glocktalk and several other forums had revealed to me that some towns were indeed,legal or not,making this an issue and i didnt want to offer any kind of possible excuse to be denied or delayed.

Who prepared your application? Did you have the PD time-stamp it when you submitted it? Did you even keep a copy?
no the application was not time stamped,and yes i have a copy of the application and all the materials i provided.

Rants are pretty pointless. As Sean Connery's character in "The Untouchables" correctly asks, "What are you prepared to DO?"

I agree rants are pretty useless, but it was 10:00PM and no one else was around to express my opinions and not a whole lot i can DO at this time. so i thought it would be helpfull for me to come to a place where my feelings would be understood by people whom are of the same political stance as i on gun control.
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Number 6

Some suggestions

You kept a copy of the app - excellent.

It's not time-stamped, however. Can you prove WHEN it was submitted; perhaps by a check for the fee?

When did the PD take your fingerprints? DID it take your prints? By law, the PD must SUBMIT prints to the SP w/i 7 days of receiving the app. If your prints were not taken, your app is being ignored.

You might check w/CHSB to see how long the license turn-around is now. With many towns on MIRCS, processing seems to be quicker.

Remember - what you tolerate, you validate; what you put up with, YOU DESERVE!


New member
It's not time-stamped, however. Can you prove WHEN it was submitted; perhaps by a check for the fee?
I would have to say no, as theres no time stamp, they did not accept the payment for the app at the time i turned it in.. which i thought was odd considering its a "processing" fee. i was told i would pay "if" and "when" i got the call to come get my card.
I intend to write up a letter of inquiry and send it to the Chief "certified" mail today to ascertain the status officially.

When did the PD take your fingerprints? DID it take your prints? By law, the PD must SUBMIT prints to the SP w/i 7 days of receiving the app. If your prints were not taken, your app is being ignored.
My prints were indeed taken at the time i dropped off the application,i was taken in back and a finger card for both hands was made and included with my application.

You might check w/CHSB to see how long the license turn-around is now. With many towns on MIRCS, processing seems to be quicker.
I will do so

Remember - what you tolerate, you validate; what you put up with, YOU DESERVE!
i completely agree, and i intend to see this issue through till a favorable solution is attained.

Apparently Gloucester, which is the town in question of this thread, is currently under scrutiny by GOAL for actively denying the acceptance of FID applications from anyone under 18-21. which is clearly illegal, so it appears that my case,thought different, is not totally without prescedent here. Ive been assured that GOAL is looking into the matter ,and i will be pursuing all avenues available to me.

Number 6

Another power-tripping chief

"Apparently Gloucester, which is the town in question of this thread, is currently under scrutiny by GOAL for actively denying the acceptance of FID applications from anyone under 18-21. which is clearly illegal, so it appears that my case,thought [sic] different, is not totally without prescedent [sic] here."

All the more reason to SCRUPULOUSLY document everything you do. ALL communication should be in writing.

Good luck and keep us posted!


"God dang it, my hand hurts so bad! It's sooo painful to have this incredible heat applied to it. I didn't do anything to deserve the destruction of flesh and fourth-degree burns I've sustained -- except leave my hand on the stove burner." :rolleyes:

Come on, SnakeEye... I'm not exactly unsympathetic, but there is one glaring thing you are doing wrong:

You're staying in that craphole of a state, and complaining about how the gun laws suck so bad!

If you don't like it, you leave.

If you stay, you give tacit approval to the way you are being treated.

Yes, MA is mistreating you, but they can continue to do it only if you stay and leave yourself subject to their laws. Why not leave for Vermont? It's adjacent, for cryin' out loud.

Get out, and move to a state that respects your freedom and dignity as an honest citizen.



New member
believe me, its more than athought on my mind.
unfortunetly ive got a fiancee whos in graduate school for the next 13 months, so its really not apossibility until then. Even then, convincing her would be another matter altogether, shes not exactly too fond for my affinity for firearms to begin with, so the notion of moving if not only to get my rights back doesnt register with her like it does with you or I.
maybe its time for a new woman :p


I would say that, but I would omit the grin.

I mean, what if...

What if it came down to the concealed gun that you are not allowed to have became necessary, and for lack of having it, you or she is killed by a criminal?

I bet that lots of people who go through life as anti-gunners have a flash of serious regret in the last moments of their lives when a criminal they could not defend against stabs them in a robbery or rape. I can't say that I feel pity for such a person if they've spent a lifetime trying to make sure that I was forced to be as defenseless as they volunteered to be.



New member
.........she's not exactly too fond of my affinity for firearms to begin with.....

Sound to me like you need to leave both MA and your fiance. Living in an oppressive state can be aggravating and an inconvenience, but living with an oppressive spouse who don't share some of your core values is down right miserable.


New member
shes not against..... just uninitiated.
shes open minded about it, but as long as im denied a permit she will remain that way as thru me is likely to be the only way shes ever going to put a firearm in her hands..
im sure once she gets her hands wrapped around a nice little beretta and squeezes off few she will see the light.


New member
Different states?

Every time I see a thread like this, I have this weird disconnect: It is as if Mass is two different states. Somewhere around Worcester county (which bisects the state) Mass becomes part of the U.S. Probably the western border of that county.

Our problem (in EVERY case) is that we're out-voted by the "city folk" in the eastern end of the state. Hell, half the politicians in eastern Mass don't even know what's out here - they think the state ends at I-495.

Pe(but it still sucks)et


Would it be possible to throw all of mAssachusetts into Boston Harbor?

+1 on voting with your feet. Down here in Jesusland I can drive around with my machinegun loaded in my back seat and it'd be perfectly by the book legal. Anyone that can legally possess a handgun can keep one in their vehicle here without a permit. You do need a CHL to carry on your person but it's a fairly painless process beyond the 10hr class.


My advice would be twofold:
1.) Get yourself an attorney. Have him/her sift thru the law books regarding CCW permits and scrutinize all paperwork regarding your application. Chances are your denial is either unlawful or unconstitutional under MA law and/or provisions of your state constitution. If that is found to be the case, file suit against all persons involved in denying you your rightful CCW.

Years ago, CCW permits were denied whosale for no lawful reason in my state. Then, someone got an attorney and sued everyone involved in the denial of his CCW and *PRESTO* - CCW permits for everybody that is a law abiding citizen!

2.) Move to another state that does not fear and hate the idea of We The People exercising our rights as American citizens. Personally, that's where I draw the line. If a bunch of petty tyrant socialist burecrats want to try and play God with the Constitutional rights which I put on "the uniform" to protect and defend, then it is time for me to take my tax dollars and live elsewhere.

Down here in Jesusland I can drive around with my machinegun loaded in my back seat and it'd be perfectly by the book legal. Anyone that can legally possess a handgun can keep one in their vehicle here without a permit. You do need a CHL to carry on your person but it's a fairly painless process beyond the 10hr class.

Good thing Texas is a big state - if the antigun brown stinky gets to be too nasty in the northern states, Boofus will have alot of new neibors!!

Number 6

Premature and an overreaction

"All for what???? to get the silent denial.."

WHAT denial? You haven't received ANY response yet, still less a denial.

" The reason is that i am now just past my 40 days..."

Which is why your rant is premature. Six to eight weeks is not unusual for a response period, although 40 days IS the period allotted by law. As you have 90 days in which to file an appeal, you are under no particular time constraint.

You could spend the time introducing your fiancee to reality......;)