Another M1 Carbine ID help?


New member
I am examining a M! carbine and need the experts help with an ID. I suspect it is a post WWII gun but can't figure out a manufacturer. The stock seem a little too "clean" to be a original production gun also. There are very few markings to go off of... It does have a metal heat shield.

Receiver : U.S. Carbine
30 Cal. M1

Mag Release: M

Bottom of the safety lever has a small circle with a Kinda cockeyed roman number II.

There are no markings on the rear of the receiver. the Serial Number is located on the left side of the receiver and is AA63XXX

Any ideas would be appreiciated.


New member
Serial numbers on Military Carbines was on the top of the rear of the receiver.

I've never seen or heard of a Carbine serial number with Letters, they were all numbers. Some serial numbers were re-located on the front (top) of the receivers' when the sights obscured the number on the rear, so you had two locations of the same serial number.

Production of Military Carbine ended in Aug '45, so I don't know about any "post" war USGI Carbines.

I don't know about commercial versions.


New member
Without a name on the receiver it seems doubtful it is a Universal or IJ. Photos including the action out of the stock will tell a lot more, could also be a redone GI or surplus parts on a cast receiver. Photos please!


New member
Some commercial carbines had the manufacturer on the front receiver ring, just behind the barrel.
I used to own a Plainfield M1 Carbine, which was marked that way.


New member
Thanks guy's after some more research I did find out it is an Iver Johnson. The roll mark is below the Serial number and under the stock. Apparently the roll mark moved around quit a bit after they left Florida. The AA serial number was the give away. Guns with those numbers had the roll mark in several different locations. Guns Pre and Post the AA serial numbers have the IJ roll mark in the traditional locations.