another left eye dominant post

10mm man

New member
Although I do most things right handed, I do some with either equally well. Pistols, for instance, I shoot well with either, though I choose right handed gear for carry purposes.

I have always shot rifles and shotguns right handed without too much problem until I started using scopes.

My problem is that I am definately left eye dominant and I wear glasses. I am having a lot of trouble getting a full picture in the scope and end up screwing my left eye shut tight. I know that this is affecting my ability to hold a tight 5 shot group through my new AR-15. I know it is not the rifle because my buddy shot several 5 shot groups the size of a quarter at 100 yards. The best I could do was about 4".

Are there techniques to change eye dominance or should I just start shooting left handed? I really feel that I would be more comfortable shooting right handed.

Anyone else have this problem and what did you do?


New member
I am having a lot of trouble getting a full picture in the scope and end up screwing my left eye shut tight.

What does that mean, screwing? Just close your left eye to force dominance to the right eye. Quit screwin' around. :D

I am left eye too. I just shoot lefty.


New member
I know that this is affecting my ability to hold a tight 5 shot group through my new AR-15. I know it is not the rifle because my buddy shot several 5 shot groups the size of a quarter at 100 yards. The best I could do was about 4".

Get an eye patch for your left eye, you can find them at most drugstores. Put the patch on when you shoot, and you can keep both eyes open. It will allow you to aim with your right eye properly.



New member
Your fortunate, you can shoot right if you need to. I'm a left eye dominated south paw and I can't shoot for jack with my right hand which is frustrating trying to find holsters and such...but thats another story.

Your best bet is to shoot lefty, if you can, use that fact that your left eye dominate to your benefit and don't fight it. Fortunately for you (and me) they do make left handed uppers for the AR. If you want to do it your self, all you need is a lefty upper stripped receiver and lefty bolt and you can switch everything around so you don't get shells in your face.