Another gun transfer question.

Ernest T Bass

New member
I guess that the crux of this question is “does the owner have to be there for the transfer?” Here’s the situation: I want to buy a revolver from my step-father (who lives in Pennsylvania). My mother is coming to visit me (in Oregon) in December. Can she bring the revolver to me in her suitcase and then I can go to my local [sarcasm] friendly, always helpful and glad to see me [/sarcasm] gun dealer to have him transfer it to me? I’ve bought guns from the internet before that came from out of state and the seller of course wasn’t present. But I didn’t know what kind paperwork that the seller faxed to my dealer before I got there, so I guess that I don’t know the whole story. I just showed up with my ID, paid the transfer fee, listened to the gun dealer tell me how he wasn’t making any money on the deal, and walked out with my gun.

Anyway, will having my mother bring me the gun work, or am I missing something?

Willie D

New member
I don't understand why dealers are all so sour on transfers. The cheapest I can find in my area is $40. $40 for a phone call and filling out a paper. I'm sure they would like to make a sale but so long as they ask $100 over what I can find online, forget it.

I don't know the answer to your question, I'm just running my mouth off.


New member
If you ever get to West KY let me know. I charge $20.00 to receive a firearm and fill out the paperwork and $10.00 plus actual shipping to send one out.
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New member
I'm sorry...I 'm not familiar with your local gun laws, or the legality of driving cross country with this firearm for your mother in law.....but once she shows up with it why bother going to the dealer to get a tranfer her and stick it in the safe....


New member
I 'm not familiar with your local gun laws, or the legality of driving cross country with this firearm for your mother in law.....but once she shows up with it why bother going to the dealer to get a tranfer her and stick it in the safe....

It's a little thing within the federal laws requiring out of state transfers be done through a FFL holder. Family or not makes no difference.

Ernest T Bass

New member
point of clarification

Not that it makes any difference, but to set the record straight my mother is flying to Oregon, not driving. I know that you're allowed to transport up to three unloaded firearms in your check-in luggage. I've done it before. You just tell the person at the check-in counter at the airport that your luggage contains a firearm and they put a special orange tag on it and make you sign a waiver saying that it's unloaded and that you're responsible blah, blah, blah.

My point is that I'm not questioning how she gets the firearm to me, but can I register it at my gun dealer once she brings it to me, or do I have to have her ship it through an FFL? The more that I think bout this question, the more I realize that the only difference between this situation and buying a gun off of the internet is that it's being delivered by a person, not shipped directly to my FFL holder.

I mean, if I wanted to buy a revolver from a private person in my neighborhood, would we just walk into a gun dealer's shop and have him transfer it to me? Or does the seller have to first transfer it to the FFL who then transfers it to me?

More specifically, what I want to know is what would happen if I walk into a gun dealer's shop with a revolver and said "transfer this to me, please"?


New member
Call the ATF and ask.

Maybe if she drives it to the gun store it won't be "a transfer across state lines."

I'll be surprised if they say she can give it to you and then you take it to the store. As soon as you take possession I'm betting it's a transfer.

Call them.



New member

haveyour stepfather transfer ownership to your mom, then when she gets there get your permit have mom fill out accordingly ,take gun and paperwork to police agency get your permit. also check with atf website.
since your mom is the mule and it is her gun with a valid permit it could just work. other thought, is get ccw permit ,that may open up avenue to get gun.
lastly check your police dept. find out what you have to do to qualify for a permit? now's the the time to get the permit requirements out of the way. good luck,dan