Another "get around the law" design

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Pump action AR15 and straight-pull Manlichers gave me an idea...for those places which ban semi-autos (defined as reload without manual assistance), have a gas or recoil operated gun which would open the bolt and eject....and lock the bolt back after every shot (similar to PTRD anti-tank rifle). Place the bolt release on the charging handle. That way, the shooter would only habe to hit the charging handle forward instead of up-back-forward-down movement of a bolt action...and the auto-ejection would still tame the recoil some.

Of course, this dodge would only last till the enemy bans it by name :mad:


New member
Use the existing magazine disconnector system.

Just messed with a FAL. Lock open automatic, bolt release needs a bit of a lever from the latch to near the safety. That way no change of grip required.

Probably ten minutes to do it right. And ten days for em to outlaw it.

Open bolt fireing FAL ?


Navy joe

New member
So what your saying is that if I permanently turn the grenade launching gas block off on my M-1A I've got a Cali legal box fed straight pull bolt action precision rifle? Honest, I'd never turn it back on, promise.

I actually do shoot it that way some, has some unique applications in being able to shoot heavier or hotter loads without killing my op-rod. If I register a supressor then that option will really shine.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Good point. I don't know how permanent the change would have to be to be legal, but it is something to think about in the PRK. I think I would want a letter from the AG or someone saying it would take the gun out of the semi-auto class. (Unfortunately, rulings by the AG in the PRK seem to be worthless, but when deluded people elect corrupt liars and swindlers, that is the result. Maryland is no exception - our leaders are almost as bad and just as corrupt.)


Badger Arms

New member
Why not just drill a hole below the bolt hold-back device, Install a spring so that every time you fire the gun, it locks the bolt back as if it had an empty magazine? Use the bolt release to let it go forward.


New member
Someone (don't remember who) makes an extension for the AR/M16 types which lets the shooter release the bolt with the trigger finger following inserting a new magazine. Using the above design theory and this device, the shooter could shoot almost as fast as semi- and never have to leave the shooting position.

(It's depressing that the given climate in this country even causes this type of discussion to be necessary)

Badger Arms

New member
Is this what you were looking for?

Extended Bolt Catch.



New member
Somebody has already recommened something like this ages ago in a DPMS forum that was on the OLD! OLD OLD! forums, DPMS responded with a reply that was summed up by, "Like your idea lots, but wouldn't somebody who wanted to go semiauto just hold down the bolt release?" This design was for a spring under the bolt catch so that every time you wanted to fire you'd have to push the bolt release again to let the bolt go into battery.

To get it to work so that somebody couldn't just hold down the bolt release, you'd need some kind of disconnector device on the bolt mechanism so that way the person would have to release and push after each trigger pull. Ya means I'd have two disconnectors to worry about(one in trigger group and one in bolt catch assembly) ?!?!? :)


New member
When I said, "OLD! OLD OLD! forums" I wasn't trying to imply this was recommended ages ago and shame on you for missing it, I meant that this was so long ago that it was before made one or two server moves and it was just a trip back in time for me since I've been on those forums for so darned long. ;)

But to think, even if a sissified 223Remington pump action AR15 type rifle was to be made or if somebody buys one of those uber ugly Crossfire 410/223Rem pump action over/under rifles, in Ca. you still can't buy the darned highcapacity magazines. Sigh, time to move out of here gets closer and closer.


Why not just build a hunting rifle out of a military bolt action so that one has the use of stripper clips for fast reloads?

A Mannlicher straight-pull action with a new barrel, new walnut stock, and Timney trigger... It looks like Dad's deer rifle and it loads faster than any commercial sporting rifle.


New member
It's Been Done!

Got 2 .22 singleshot self-ejectors that are manually loaded and are blowback operated to eject and lock the bolt back open for a reload manual reload.
One is a Winchester Mod.55 that loads through a spring loaded grooved gate in the top of the receiver and ejects straight down through a hole in the bottom of the stock under the chamber. A handy feature for safety is the recoiling bolt not only ejects the spent caseing, but resets the tang mounted safety after each shot. = A very handy 'jump' rifle for field shooting.
The second model is an H&R Model 755 "Sahara", same principle as the Winchester, you load it, you shoot it, it gets rid of the case and sets itself for the next load. On this one you have to close the bolt manually after loading.
The basic engineering in both of these rifles could be modified to acomodate magazines and rimmed centerfire cartridges... I'd like to see either one modified to shoot .357 Mag.:)