Another fun day at the range...


New member
... though, really, how many days at the range are not fun? Well, I guess the time I blew up my .44 wasn't so much fun, but even that was at least interesting.

Wanted to break in / wring out a new FNX-40, so I brought it and 200 rds of WWB 165gr to my friend's LGS and range. Also brought along my S&W M13-3 3", and bought a box each of 148gr .38 target ammo, and 125gr .357 JHP, as well as my S&W M18 with 200rds of Federal Lighting .22LR.

Started out with the FNX-40, putting down a zombie pizza guy (I didn't even know they had those, live and learn) at the 8yd line:

Then broke out the M13, and put 25rds of each (.38 and .357) into both head and chest, or 50rds per area. Only 5yds, quick shots to chest, aimed shots to head, mostly one-handed:

The M13 is one of my best naturally pointing guns.

Finished up with the M18 (I warm down with the lowest recoil stuff), 8yd line again, 200rds, DA (I very rarely shoot SA with a revolver; note the bobbed hammer on the M13 above):

That M18 is older than I am; my parents bought it for their second anniversary, two years before I was born. They hardly ever shot it, though, so almost all its round count has been mine - and it's been shot a lot; they gave it to me when I was in my teens. I use it both for economical practice, and for helping to teach newbies.
Nice shooting!! I hate it when zombies storm the gun range! They should know by now we are going to shoot them!!!! looks like I'm going to buy another auto loader!!!!!