Another FBI report, weapons in home


New member
Weapons in home factor in kid violence.

Boy? who bakes in shape of gun in school dangerous?

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."


Staff Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The FBI officials and experts who unveiled the model at a press conference insisted that "our message is going to be very clear ... this is not a profiling tool."[/quote]

But it will be used as one, just as sure as God made little green apples.



New member
Dennis. You've got to add:

"We're here to help you..."

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

See The Legacy of Gun Control film at:

Do it for the children...


New member
More junk science. The number of households that contain a gun is in the tens of millions, while the number of kids who shoot their classmates is tiny, tiny, tiny. Looking backward, most of that handful will have come from a home containing guns. So what? Prediction has to be prospective, not retrospective: Of homes containing kids and guns, what proportion produces a kid who shoots his classmates? That proportion is going to be disappearingly small, which means that knowing that a home contains a gun will have virtually no predictive power at all.

This is the same nonsense that leads to the conclusion that drinking milk in early childhood predicts heroin addiction (or damned near anything else) later on: If you start with a group of heroin addicts and look backwards, you find -- Voila! -- they all drank milk as kids! Of course, the huge majority of milk drinkers did not become addicts, just like the huge majority of kids who grow up around guns never shoot anybody. There is no "prediction" here. Just more junk science in the service of ideology.

Jack 99

New member
Good point Byron.

I'm willing to bet they were all exposed to Sesame Street as youngsters too.


Ban PBS!!


New member
Don`t they know the Parents should be profiled? They are the ones that influence the moral values in "the childern", they just learn from example. :confused:

Rant is in suspend mode.

And moves
(Galileo Galilie)

"Spay or Nuter your Socialist Pets"

Jeff Thomas

New member
and, fellatio is not sex ...

Where is George Orwell when you need him? ;)

I assure you, it has been a bit difficult to help my boys understand why they should lie if asked about firearms at home. But, what choice do I have? None, from my perspective. The lesson ... there is no harm in lying while under coercion or the threat of future coercion. I never thought I'd consider such a perspective in my country.

Regards from AZ

Koolau 2

New member
I downloaded the FBI report from their website and scanned it quickly. Relatively quick and interesting read. Some good points, some I don't agree with...

Never ceases to amaze me how the media spins information to match it own agenda. Didn't see a thing in any news reports I've read about the FBI's comments concerning media misinformation and the role of the media in encouraging copycat crime.


New member
The report says "guns handled casually or recklessly", media says "guns".

Also, a lot of "unsupervised access to TV, Internet, Computer Games ... with violent or inappropriate content".

And not to forget "media exaggeration" and "copycat effect".

I see no elephant in my cellar. If there were an elephant in my cellar, I would surely see it. Therefore, there is no elephant in my cellar.


New member
Sesame street has been around a long time...

The real cause has got to be...Barney...the purple menace :D