Another day in the OUTBACK.

G'day. I spent the day out at a friends property yesterday. We were checking fences especially where they went through gullies. Had an old BSA .222 with me just in case we saw any pigs (or other pests) We did a bit of burning off while we were out. On the slow drive back to the house close to dusk I had a chance to use the .222 (not a pig) . About 40m, one shot one kill, dropped like a sack of %$#@. Went and had a closer look and discovered the shot hit about 4"low and 1 1/2" right. Just nicked the neck, but must have damaged the spine

Looks like I'll have to do some serious sight in work.

I have pretty much got access to the property any time I want but it is a bit on the small side for this part of the country. Only about 500 sq miles, They run between 6000 and 8000 cattle.

Fat White Boy

New member
"Anything you can walk across in 2 days is a hobby farm." Paul Hogan in 'Crocodile Dundee II'...Wish I had a hobby farm! 500 square miles? Yeah, that'll do....

Uncle Buck

New member
I have pretty much got access to the property any time I want but it is a bit on the small side for this part of the country. Only about 500 sq miles...

LMBO! I have my little homestead here and although I dream of the day I win the lottery and buy a 1,000 acre farm, I know I will never give this up.


New member
I grew up on a 200,000 acre ranch. Several cricks to fish and the best deer, elk and antelope hunting in the country and we had the run of it. Those were the days.


New member
I was back East a few years ago, and found out they have 5 acre farms.
All the tax benefits of farming, without actually farming.

Lawyer Daggit

New member
No Buzzcook, they have 5 acre farms around cities like Canberra etc, but the ATO does not let them get away with calling themselves primary producers.
They are just 'life style' blocks.