ANOTHER Cop shot by a motorist during traffic stop

Steve in PA

New member
Just thought you might like to read thisMan sentenced to 44 ½ years for the assault of an officer;
SPRINGFIELD, OH - Thomas Lemaster, 50, pleaded guilty for the shooting and wounding of Springfield officer Douglas Pergram and was sentenced to 44 ½ years in prison yesterday. Pergram was wounded when Lemaster shot him July 8 when he was pulled over for not having license plates on his car.

Judge Gerald Lorig in Clark County issued the sentence, and Lemaster was charged with attempted aggravated murder, assault, possession of a concealed weapon, tampering with evidence and burglary, among others.

Pergram, protected by a bulletproof vest, sustained injuries to the neck and abdomen. Following the shooting, he was able to radio for help. Lemaster was arrested and Pergram rushed to the hospital. He has since been released and is on the road to recovery.
