another case cleaner...


New member
I use corn cob and "CRC Mechanix Orange" citrus hand cleaner from Orchard Supply. $3.99 for 16 oz. Two capfuls have cleaned 5000 rounds so far; the cob is gray now, but shows no sign of needing replacement. I run the tumbler for 90 minutes / batch. They come out clean and shiny like they're goin' to church.

This is 'way better stuff than Midway's White Lightning.

Paul Fitz Jones

New member
Cleaning Brass

Brass needs to be clean not beautiful for me during my career as a commercial reloader and LEO. While loading over 3 million rounds I used a capful of 98 cent a gallon paint thinner or mineral spirits per 15 pound tumbler and a cup full per cement mixer load of brass and it suited my automated reloaders and Star machines and police customers just fine.

Beautiful brass is one of the signs of newbies in the shooting ranks and the makers of the expensive brass cleaners laugh all the way to the bank.