Another Birthday!!!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Well, pin a rose on my nose! I done survived idiots on I-10, rolling rocks on the mountains, and high water on Terlingua Creek!

Ain't got snakebit, and IRS ain't bothered me!

Added one more year since this time last year, and have ripened a bit more to a rompin' stompin' 66!

Lord only knows what I'll ever do if I ever grow up!

I does believe I'm gonna get caught up on shootin' as today's celebration. The real party is gonna be Saturday afternoon, beginning at Ms. Tracy's Roadhouse in beautiful downtown Study Butte. And probably onward to Terlingua Ghost Town, to the Starlight Theatre--my home away from home. :)

Nighty-bye, Art
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Lord only knows what I'll ever do if I ever grow up![/quote]

Ummmm .... take up shooting seriously??

Or was that a trick question? ;)

Remember my Dad telling me I'd never have to worry about going into a second childhood -- because I'd never shown any signs of growing out of the first!! (I was about 40 at the time!)

Art, grow up, perhaps, but don't ever grow old, mate.

Cheers and gave a great birthday


Jim V

New member
Bruce, growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

Happy BD, Art.

My 58th comes next week.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

Bob Locke

New member
<rolls music in the background>

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear AAAAAaaaaart.
Happy birthday to YOU!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D

Like a fine wine, just getting better with age.


New member
Happy, Happy Birthday!
And may you have many, many more. :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member
Happy Birthday and many more to follow ;)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
Thought I would include this for your Birthday reading pleasure. ;)
Don't take it personal....I'm still two years older than you. :)

Subject: Benefits of Growing Older

In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
It's harder and harder for sexual harassment charges to stick.
Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
No one expects you to run into a burning building.
People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"
People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
There's nothing left to learn the hard way.
Things you buy now won't wear out.
You buy a compass for the dash of your car.
You can eat dinner at 4:00
You can live without sex but not without glasses.
You can't remember the last time you laid on the floor to watch television.
You consider coffee one of the most important things in life.
You constantly talk about the price of gasoline.
You enjoy hearing about other people's operations.
You get into a heated argument about pension plans.
You got cable for the weather channel.
You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.
You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.
You send money to PBS.
You sing along with the elevator music.
You talk about "good grass" and you're referring to someone's lawn.
Your arms are almost too short to read the newspaper.
Your back goes out more than you do.
Your ears are hairier than your head.
Your eyes won't get much worse.
Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
Your joints are more accurate than the National Weather Service.
Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member could you please tell us about the day paper was invented?

Happy Birthday Mr. Eatman. Here's to many more b-days with you as Moderator!


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
And she sez, "Let's go upstairs and make mad, passionate love!"

And I sez, "Darlin', I can't do both!"


It's been a wondrous day. My company left, so I have the house to myself. I went out and did a bunch of rifle plinking at rocks and beercans. Went out back and burned off about 100 rounds of junky old 10mm--now I can get some "real" reloading done. Then, I clamped the claybird thrower to the back porch and hollered, "Pull!"--at myself--and shot claybirds for a while.

I think I'll go check my .223 for groups. I don't know where some 70-grain reloads came from, so I'll see if they work. Hmmm. There is some hot .45 colt stuff I ain't played with in a while...

:) :) :)

Thanks, Y'all. Enjoyed the eCards.

Later, Art