Animal Rights Groups to Announce Plan to Merge, Ban Bowhunting


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Animal Rights Groups to Announce Plan to Merge, Ban Bowhunting

(Columbus) - The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) has learned that the nation’s principal anti-hunting organizations will announce a merger on Monday, November 22. In announcing the merger, the unified anti-hunting group will reveal its intention to target bowhunters for extinction.

The USSA, a national organization founded to protect the rights of sportsmen to hunt, fish and trap, has been following a rumor that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Fund for Animals are preparing to combine forces.

The HSUS, located in Washington, D.C., is the nation’s largest animal rights organization raising nearly $60 million in 2002. The Fund for Animals is the most vociferous anti-hunting organization and is headquartered in New York City. It raised $6.7 million in 2003.

Scripps Howard News Service reporter Lance Gay confirmed the merger announcement to USSA late Friday afternoon. Gay stated that sources within the groups confirmed that the new organization would seek to ban bowhunting as a first priority.

In response, USSA announced an emergency meeting of bowhunting organizations, businesses and publications to prepare to counter the attack. The Alliance created the Bowhunter Defense Coalition to defeat a series of attacks on bowhunters during the late 1980s.

“The merger announcement serves as a wake up call to bowhunting groups to reunite to defeat what promises to be a powerful attack on our heritage from this monstrous anti-hunting group,” said Rick Story, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance senior vice president. “To win, we will need to energize the vast grassroots network of sportsmen across this country.”

Over the years, the Fund for Animals and HSUS have been the two most formidable organizations working to ban hunting. While the Fund for Animals has been openly hostile to hunters, HSUS has attempted to mask its intentions by raising funds using puppy calendars for promotions. Earlier this year, HSUS appointed former Fund for Animals official Wayne Pacelle to the position of CEO. Combined with the merger announcement, Pacelle’s appointment leaves little doubt about the agenda of the newly-merged organization. According to public filings the new organization will have combined assets of as much as $97 million to implement its anti-hunting agenda.

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,
Haha... the reporters name is "Lance Gay"...

I'm interested in the American Indian response to this, and the pinko counter-response.


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Cobray Commander...

We're not as dainty as some of the other gun forums, but the content of some of your posts really borders on the inappropriate and offensive. Homophobic jokes about folks names and racist suggestions about Native Americans don't necessarily put us in the best light.
What racist suggestion have I ever made about American Indians? I assume a minority of them still hunt using bows. As for homophobic, just because I find a persons name funny doesn't make me afraid of homosexuals. Obviously a gay comic making fun of gays isn't homophobic.


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I guess since the American voting public didn't think much of their efforts for gun control, bow control is the new answer. These guys need a new hobby.


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Due to the close proximity of neighbors, bow hunting maybe the only practical culling method for suburban deer.


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DZ they have had to have bowhunts in the metroparks system around detroit. The anti's have said use birth control, or transfer the deer to a different area or some other idea. There is a complete nutjob in the metro area who feeds his cat a natural predator, and eater of flesh, vegetarian catfood, he is one of the main instigators of stupidity on such issues in this area. The area around the wixom ford plant has a lot of deer, and only rimfire hunting is allowed. The only option is a bow.


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i have gone to several COG meetings in the washingtoon DC area for deer management. The FfA has saleried employees, whose job it is, to attend these weekday morning council of government meetings. In fact, every other meeting is hosted at their office. The present the facts as they know them to the board.

Their big plan is to seed corn laced with infertility hormones in the woods. I gather they are not readers of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. They got kinda steamed when i showed up with hard data on the process from various Universities and Federal research labs.

Mentioning "White Buffalo" really raised their hackles.

After the meetings several Police Officers approached me for more information.


New member
I wonder if ever licensed hunter in the targeted states joined the HSUS would there be enough votes to change their board of directors? For years the most radical of the radical left has used this technique (without much success, as there aren't really very many of them-Michael Moore and a couple of gerbils mostly) to try to infiltrate the NRA.


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I think the NRA should hire some papparazzi type photographers to follow these people around and take pics/vids at barbecues,steakhouse,etc. It always bothers me that these people say hunting is not needed, or barbaric. I guess it is alright when sombody butchers bossy, or porky, but wrong when somebody goes out and does it themselves. I could swear I just saw a TV show(20/20 or 60 mins. within last 180 days) that presented a small section on a writer in colorado who lived in the mountains, made $14,000 a year, and had to kill 1 elk for food to feed himself over the year. I am not sure on the gun but it was open sights, and .30-06. He was an former marine. That is it right there kill and eat, or miss and maybe die.