Animal Mother's extra ammo in Full Metal Jacket. .30-06 or .308?

El Rojo

New member
My fiancee hadn't watched Full Metal Jacket before and part of the prenuptual is that she had to, so we were watching it last night. I got to looking at Animal Mother's linked ammo that was hanging all over him and I noticed, it looked awefully large for 7.62x51 (.308). Expecially the 5 rounds he had linked and strapped to the back of his helmet. It almost looked like it was long enough to be .30-06! Through parts of the movie the ammo on his chest looked large, but sometimes it look more like .308. the ammo on his helmet definitely looked too big. Anyone with the movie want to research this and tell me what you think?


New member
I never paid much attention. But since I have the movie I'll watch it closer next time, can't tonight though.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I saw that movie when it first came out. I got so disgusted at the bit where the squad goes lally-gaggin' down the street all in a wad and the sniper opened up. :barf: I've since then pretty much forgotten about it. Some stupidities you just don't want to remember.



New member
Been a while since seeing the movie, but I would guess those were 7.62mm blanks. They look longer than 7.62mm live rounds, but probably aren't.

The first half of the movie is pretty fun, the second half is worthless.


New member
I just watched this movie last week as well, and they all looked like 7.62mm NATO rounds to me; this makes sense from a "historical accuracy" standpoint, because it was common practice for everyone in the squad to carry extra ammo for the SAW. If I remember right, anything in 30-06 would've been relegated to 2nd-line issue or ARVN troops during Vietnam, anyway.

El Rojo

New member
It should be .308 because that is what he is carrying, an M-60. However, it looks more menacing from a Hollywood perspective to have bigger looking rounds. On some of the scenes it looks like you can tell the ammo he is shooting are blanks, but still, the brass looks pretty long even with the bullets on the brass. I think I can tell the difference between the .308 crimped blanks and the regular ammo in the movie. Sometimes it is hard to tell. I need to get this movie on DVD!