And I didn't feel undergunned... (long)


New member
There have been a few times in my life that carrying a pistol made me feel MUCH better about my situation... and I'll try to be brief sharing them, leading up to my latest, where I didn't feel a bit undergunned...

First time 1992 - Atlanta GA, Friend and I were walking from a parking garage to "Underground Atlanta". Bum-looking, VERY LARGE man walks up and asks for a cigarette. Told him I didn't smoke, but he refused to believe that two long-hairs didn't smoke. He started threatening to whip our a--es if we didn't give him a cigarette. I reached inside my leather jacket, put my hand on the .22 magnum derringer I had in there, and he immediately backed up, walked across the street and continued to curse... problem solved, but I felt WAY undergunned.

Second time 1997 - 4 young men in a low-rider narrowly averted hitting me and (wow) same friend in parking lot. We got out to go inside, and the four of them got out cursing... One pulled a bat from between the front seats, the other reached under the car seat for something... I put my hand in my (don't laugh) fannypack and grabbed the grip of my AMT Backup 45. They saw that they weren't the only idiots with guns, and got back in the car and left. We decided to go elsewhere to buy a book, rather than leave the car unattended. Felt WAAAAY undergunned, and later, the gun jammed permanently at the range, confirming my fear.

Last Thursday - Lizella GA, Taking wife to State Administrators exam in Macon. Stopped at a gas station, when a scruffy man told me he needed a ride down the street. I told him I was in a hurry, and couldn't be late. He continued about how this would only take a minute, blah blah blah and took another step toward me. He put his hand in his pocket, so I stuck my hand in my pocket too, and took a grip on my Kel-Tec P32. He took another step toward me, and I put up my hand at his chest, yelled obscenely that I didn't have time for his crap and he needed to get the HE77 on before I kicked his a--. He looked at my hand in pocket, removed his hand from his pocket, and walked away. For the first time, I did NOT feel inadequately armed??

Please keep in mind that never in ANY of these occurrances did I actually SHOW my weapon, or even remove it from the holster.

I have NO idea why... except maybe that I knew the .22 magnum was just that, and only 2 shots, or that the AMT was a TERRIBLE piece of junk that was as accurate as my great grandmother's pitching arm, and that the Kel-Tec is DARNED accurate for it's size, and hasn't malfunctioned yet, but I was confident.

The morals of the story? I don't have enough to do right now at work, you never have a confrontation when you have your (favorite pistol here) with you, AND, I gotta stop going places with my friend as well as start choosing my gas stations more carefully!!!


New member
I don't know, your friend sounds unlucky to me.

Yes, confidence in both the cartridge and the gun are very important elements to feeling safe. There were times that I had to deal with people in questionable areas, and I was totally unarmed. In my defence, before I moved to Atlanta, I lived in states that did not allow concealed carry.
Confidence is also why people spend over $1000 on guns that don't necessarily work any better than a CZ PCR at 1/3 the cost, or a Kahr at 1/2 the cost [or even Glocks].
I'm glad you moved to a gun you have confidence in.


New member
Gee, Georgia sounds like a dangerous place, not safe and politically correct like here in Kalifornia, where our miscreants are just misunderstood victims of society.

Our politicians here in Kalifornia don't want our coddled criminals to have any lack of victims, so our concealed carry applications are always denied.

Look at the damage Georgia's misguided policies have done:

1. The first guy in your story had to go without his cigarettes! Lack of nicotine can make one grumpy.

2. The four young men missed out on the healthful cardio-vascular workout they would have gotten by beating you and your friend to a bloody pulp. They're probably going to have elevated cholesterol levels now!

3. The third incident just points out how your wife and you should have been using public transportation instead of shamelessly tempting the poor guy with your car.

Seriously speaking, continue to hold the line there in Georgia. Don't suffer Californication.

Doc Hudson

New member

Caliber is less important than confidence in the gun.

I'd feel better with a .22 with which I knew I could pick which of a badguy's eyes I wanted to shot than a cannon I could not control or hit with.

Personally I opt for a larger caliber than a .32 ACP, but if you have confidence in it, enjoy it.


BTW, I think you handled those situations quite well. Sometimes the fact that we are armed gives us enough confidence that we intimidate our attackers with out the use of force. I believe it was Mark Twain who called that sense of confidence, "Having all the confidence of a Christian with four Aces." LMH


New member
I sure wish that someone would alter the design of the AMT .45acp. It's appearance and features are ideal for concealed carry. However, out of the box it's just a paper weight. Has anyone gunsmithed one to make it 100% reliable? Or, is the AMT just a lost cause? :) :)

Jesse H

New member
I felt undergunned Friday night...

I was hanging out at a friends house shooting those 20 grain Aguila 22's at pepsi bottles. Got done and put the Ruger in the trunk and hung out at his house for longer. It wasn't about 4am-ish when I went home...decided to stop for gas since the next morning I had to be somewhere and didn't feel like getting gas then.

At the gas station, after I was done some kids pull up, loud music, just acted like trouble. I may have been stereotyping them, but hey, there were 4 of them and all 130 lbs of me. I would not have thought anything of it, but they were being loud, rowdy, and banging on the glass to get the attention of the gas station attendant (who is locked inside the store). 2 of them inside the car were eyeing me and the other 2 were outside in front of the glass.

I put my gas cap back on and as discreetly as I could moved my Ruger 22/45 inside the case from the hatchback to my passenger seat and got out there as promptly as I could.

Looking back, they were just rude punks wanting to buy cigarettes at 4 in the morning. Also thinking back, if they were looking for trouble, what the heck was I gonna do with a .22LR, unloaded, but with 20grain ammo in the glovebox? Laugh.

On the way home I became paranoid about getting pulled over and having a firearm in the front seat. I really need to take the classes...