And I complain about Kalifornia...


Moderator Emeritus
About what I would expect outa Sickago... :barf:

Remember, the rest of Illinois is, unfortunately, along for the ride against their will. Just like New York State; as the big city goes, so goes the rest of the state.


New member
Remember, the rest of Illinois is, unfortunately, along for the ride against their will.

Oh, I totally empathize with the rest of Illinois as California is in that same boat. Wouldn't it be great if we could just transport all the big cities into one corner of the US, let them be their own state, and leave the rest of us the heck alone?


New member
It used to be the Senators represented the whole state, but each Representative represented only his own district. When they went over to whole-state block voting, the big cities became the only important thing because they had the most votes and the entire state became one mega-distruct.


New member
Chicago is a hole. Did my 3 years and left (and am very happy that I did).

I grieve for the good people trapped there.

Calamity Jane

New member
Wouldn't it be great if we could just transport all the big cities into one corner of the US, let them be their own state, and leave the rest of us the heck alone?

*wistful sigh* I wish.

That's one heckuva good idea. 'Cept I'd take it a step further and say let 'em be their own country. :)


New member
so having the local dealers tracked by the batf is not enough to track gun sales with? i'm sure these dealers would appreciate the publicity and added sales, but to make them get a license (at a nice profit to the city) and pay for such publicity?

Calamity Jane

New member
Oops, sorry Wyld! :)

How's about this: you and fellow open minded, liberty-leaning folks take the big cities back, away from the Feinstein, Daley, and Schumer types, and then, when the big cities are freedom-friendly, the aforesaid Feinstein, Daley, and Schumer types (not to mention the Rosies and the Michael Douglases!), unable to tolerate such a freedom-friendly environment, can go form their own country. :D

A freedom-friendly country definitely needs thoughtful young women (and men) like you!
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New member
During a press conference last week, Daley said local licensing would make it easier to trace guns used in crimes and will help keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Joining him were Buffalo Grove, Elmwood Park, Evanston, Lynwood, Midlothian, Melrose Park, Northbrook, Oak Lawn, Palatine, Prospect Heights, Riverdale and Wilmette.

In the group's model ordinance, dealers would be required to report gun sales to their local police departments. The police would enter the information into a computer and make it available to other law enforcement agencies.
Welcome to the wonderful world of gun registration boys and girls.

Though he supports the idea in principle, Prospect Heights Mayor Ed Rotchford said a gun licensing ordinance in his village would not make much of a difference: He checked with the ATF and found the number of gun dealers in Prospect Heights dropped from six a few years ago to zero this year.
This boob supports an idea that will have no participants but will still keep the bureaucratic machine in place.

In Buffalo Grove, the issue really is an academic one, said Village President Elliot Hartstein, since the sale of guns in the village has been prohibited since 1994. Still, he supports the effort.
How about the constituency bans him?

Des Plaines aldermen will talk about gun laws at their March 4 meeting. Seventh Ward Alderman Don Smith said he hopes some aspects of the proposed laws could be adopted in Des Plaines.
There's only one aspect, Don. What would you remove from the proposal; the license, the fee, the reporting requirements, or the computerized registration?

There are 12 Palatine residents who sell guns out of their homes. None has a home business license, Village Manager Michael Cassady said. The Kmart store in Palatine also sells guns but does not have a local gun license.
Watch out K-Mart. These guys will bankrupt you. Oops! Too late.


New member
BenW & Calamity Jane.... hey now!


Okay then, what Calamity Jane said -- we'll kick the fascists out instead of moving your cities. :D

I should watch my broad generalizations anyway, since plenty of people recommend kicking California out of the union, and there are plenty (though not enough apparently) of gun totin' cowboys (and girls) here that say "hey now" to that idea!
Can a town ban sales of guns?:confused: Isn't there some kind of Constitutional issue there? Last time I checked it is legal to buy a firearm, how can the township ban gun sales?