And here is why Slayer WON"T attempt to make B.P.


New member
Come on Hawg, you know you laughed at that. He did add too much magnesium! :D I can see something like that happening if I tried to touch off my own brew of good ole black.


New member
Back in the day, a neighbor used to make black powder from the three usual ingredients, all available from the local drug store.
The only time it went boom was when he was drying out a a bunch that had gotten damp.
He decided to hurry things up by heating the mix in a large pan on the stove.
It would still have probably been ok, had he not gotten side tracked doing something else, and left it simmering a little too long.
Even then, there was no real harm, other than a big flash and lots of smoke, that filled the basement and rolled out the windows.
He had some explaining to do when the fire truck showed up.


New member
why they hell would I add magnesium to my holy black? I make the stuff all the time, no problems.

A lot of people study the subject, exercise proper precautions, and make their own BP without incident.

Unfortunately, some people are not adequately "equipped" for such an endeavor..... they are the future Darwin Award winners.
Said he was experimenting. Well he sure was. I guess He got what he was looking for. "The BIG Bang theory."__ This feller didn't make weapons grade black powder. By his own admission it was fireworks powder. By substituting charcoal with powdered magnesium he actually made Magnesium Flash Powder. (A very unstable form of powder.) I too. Like Hawg Haggen think this video was a clever fake made in such a way to please those who watch it. If one considers this individuals right hand was closest to the explosion. No burns or blood. Just his darkened face. To be a unbeliever as I and Hawg. Turn off your speakers volume control and watch this video again. Then judge for yourself?



New member

Reminds me of Yosimite sam on the old bugs bunny cartoons when he would get shot in the face!

Dang, I'm giving away my age, I'd better quit that :p


New member
There is a program that allows you to put explosions into your video. My nephew made a video of him just standing in the yard, and then an Asteroid comes and takes him out. :D


New member
A magnesium explosion is a very bright flash of white. Plus hiselbow wasn't near the powder when it went off like when he was lighting it and the foil was too intact. My 2 cents. I missed the lights going back on by themselves. Pretty fake.