An urgent message from the NFAOA


New member
NFAOA getting ready to go "Big Time", please read!

The site has been a little slow, I have been very busy, and "our" issues have gotten far too little attention in congress of late.

This post is about changing that.

We now have a core group who are volunteering to take on the burdens associated with taking NFAOA to the next level, leading up to eventual incorporation!

Once we are incorporated we will be a much more formal organization, and hopefully more effective on the legislative front, with a funding mechanism to support our own professional lobbyist.

To move in this direction and be "fair" to the members, we need to have an election.

So I am calling for nominations and additional volunteers!
We will need a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

These are not positions to take lightly.

The President will be our main public speaker, with the responsibility to arbitrate among factions and issues. They may also be called upon to issue press releases, debate issues/bills with interested parties, the press, etc. A thick skin will be very helpful, an effective president rarely wins popularity contest.

The Secretary will be responsible for correspondence, tracking media issues, membership, some types of Gov. Org. reporting, etc.

The Treasurer handles the money, keeps the accounts, reports on balances, expenses, etc., to the membership and Gov. Org. as required.
We will have a system in place requiring two signatures for all checks over a set amount.

These are thumbnail descriptions, the duties and responsibilities can be better explained as we approach incorporating a formal structure.

Ideal candidates for these position would be dedicated and well educated NFA enthusiast, probably retired or close to it, and fairly well off financially.
It is unlikely that we will get too many "ideal" candidates to volunteer.('Wink')
That is OK, with nearly 600 members I am sure we have plenty of dedicated and well educated members who can work hard for us, even if they are not particularly wealthy.

Please step up if you can, we must become more effective ASAP, time is running out on several of the bills in congress that we have dedicated ourselves to supporting!

The above message is from Richard/SIA, the founder of the NFAOA.

You can find a link to their forums in my sig.