An Overdue Apology.


New member
I would like to apologize for my overly agressive ( read: ABRASIVE ) attitude in the past. :eek:

No excuses, just had to get an attitude adjustment...
The reason I am posting this here instead of the General Forum is that most of my posts were made in this Forum...

I hope that all affected will give me a second chance.




Git, may I call you Git? I have no idea what incidents you are referring to and perhaps those that were involved may have opinions regarding it that differ from my own. But I know that I have been involved in my share of debates both here on TFL and, to a much greater degree, on other forums. Frankly, with in a few days of the event I cannot even recall the members name. It is not that I have such a poor memory but that it is simply not important in the over all scheme of things.
It takes big person apologize.


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!

Mal H

To be honest, Howard, I might have missed something, but I didn't find a lot of evidence of your abrasiveness (I also looked for edited posts and didn't find any recent trend). There were a few somewhat abrasive ones, but your good posts to "bad" posts ratio is very high. Anyway, on behalf of the membership, apology accepted. Sometimes we are our own worse critics, and that's a good thing at times.

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited October 16, 2000).]

J. Parker

New member
GIT_SOME45; Hey man, come on back. I haven't been a perfect little angel myself at times. After all, isn't it called the FIRING line! WELCOME BACK. Best Regards, J. Parker


New member
Well, having stuck my foot in my mouth several times this week, I am full of forgiveness. Welcome another member told me TTPO (think twice, post once). Good luck.


New member
Nothing wrong with a little lively discussion now and again. And from what I see, the other posters feel the same way. Sometimes we get a little too passionate and we state our point a little to markedly. But hey I'd say that most of us have done that at one time or another. But the crew here is pretty forgiving. Don't be too hard on yourself. Come on back in and enjoy the forum. The more the merrier. Just my .02 on the subject.

It's a good life if you can survive it!


New member
Shucks Git, you never got my goat nohow. Hang in there lad, and thanks anyway.

Sam...CCC..cantankerous, crotchety, ol cuss.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Welcome back Git!!! :) Don't know what you are talking about; but we forget and forgive here on TFL!!! :D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan Life Member N.R.A.


New member
Thanks guys, it means alot to have a place to go where everybody is kinda family...


Kentucky Rifle

New member
Some people (meaning myself) show their ass quite frequently on the boards. :) I don't even remember any of your little faux pas.
We're a good bunch. I'm proud to be associated with you all. ( :)Group Hug)


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
No Problem GIT_SOME... Say 30 Hail Mary's and for penance - pick up some brass at your local range and we will call everything forgiven.
Go Thy Way and Sin No More.


New member
Darn....I doze off for awhile and when I wake up I've missed all the fun. Someone want to tell me what happened?.....Oh, never mind. ;)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member
To those who are wondering, the posts were made over a month ago or so...

FYI. :)



Well shoot, you never stepped on my toes so I guess I can forgive and forget. :D