An open letter to the members of TFL

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New member
The OP didn’t ask for your negative comments about the type of gun, ammo or accessory his post is asking about. He didn’t ask to be insulted or flamed because his choice is different than yours. Actually your answer has little to do with the OP’s question and your answers are inflaming in their tone. It was rude and uncalled for when you threw in your opinion, and especially the comments.

I'm not a moderator, but I'm honestly put off by some members pushing their unwelcome open opinions onto others.

The flaming, rude and insidious behaviors needs to be stopped from this point forward , and I’m going to call you out every chance I get, so your actions will be seen as unacceptable to others and they will stop.

We're trying to clean up TFL, by stopping trolling and flaming in the threads. I'm not the one that originally called your actions trolling, I just agreed to a higher standard. Learn to be responsible and there won't be anymore issues here. Your posts are being watched by many others besides me. You seriously need to reconsider your positions, opinions and comments within the threads and especially the tone of your posts.

This is all the members here want, in one simple statement.

We want thread bearing comments only in a post. Without the rhetoric and BS opinions thrown in to take up unnecessary space. If an answer isn't in direct response to the OP and consistent with the post stay out of it.

If you want to create your own rants and raves go somewhere else to do it, or start another flame thread. Just because somebody has something that you don't like, doesn't mean it's bad. It simply means they've made a different choice for some other reason. It may be they have a limited amount of money to spend or possibly enough that they can afford to always buy the best. We need to support the entire shooting community. We need to be responsible adults and act as such. We don’t need to make others feel they've made a monumental mistake with their choices and belittle them with unwelcome comments.

I don't believe in giving a trophy to every one that plays either. At one time or another we’ve all made at least one mistake, and more than likely a few more than that.
We all need to be balanced and reasonable, and we'll improve this forum to where it stands far above the others in support of the industry.
I know of many members that have left and have said they will never return because they feel it's gotten too far out of control here. I feel it's time to get back to the basics and have everybody stand guard over what this forum stands for.

Some of your comments are spot on and that's what we need here on TFL.
Please join the efforts to keep TFL the best gun forum on the net, by being responsible and courteous to others.
A written response from you is unnecessary, a response of positive action is.
I’ve already been called long winded so no need to tell me about that either.

B. Lahey

New member
What are you talking about?

Who is the OP you speak of? You are the only OP I see in this thread...

If this is a response to something, link to it, not everyone reads every thread every day.


We want thread bearing comments only in a post. Without the rhetoric and BS opinions thrown in to take up unnecessary space. If an answer isn't in direct response to the OP and consistent with the post stay out of it.

SILENCE THE DISSENTERS!....Wow, that's what the current admin wants to do. Someone posts an insidiously inane question and everyone is supposed to hold their hand and sing "Kumbaya"?

Get ye to DC and become an elected official - you'll fit right in with their PC control. WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT IS CRAP AND WHAT IS NOT??

HOW DARE YOU to prejudge others because they say something you do not like.

Maybe YOU should take a different approach..............if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.......:mad::barf::rolleyes:


New member
Do you see that little red triangle with a black exclamation mark at the bottom left of the screen? If you see something that offends your sensitivities, click it. Much more effective than a smug but vague "open letter" that nobody knows what you're talking out.

Or you could give us some specifics...



Do you see that little red triangle with a black exclamation mark at the bottom left of the screen? If you see something that offends your sensitivities, click it.
The first thing I do when I get on the computer is check for reported posts. I read and investigate all of them.

Sending a PM to me or to another moderator will also help focus our attention in the right direction.

I encourage TFL members to use the report post function and/or to PM moderators when they see a developing problem.

Please be careful to follow the rules when trying to handle things yourself on the open forum. It's very disappointing when a member with a productive posting history gets worked up enough to violate the forum rules over a matter that really needs to be handled by the forum staff.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Yes, John has it right.

[Monty Python's John Cleese voice ...]

A public thrashing of offenders unkown and unnamed does little good, y'know?

Use the tiny
if you are having a problem with another member. And we'll take care of it, eh?

Right then, with that, let's move along ... nothing to see here ... yes, thanks very much ... let's move along now.

[/John Cleese] :rolleyes:
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