an interesting read

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New member
Got the following from JPFO today. The piecse by Jeff Knox strikes me as, to say the least, interesting reading.

September 4th 2012
Attention Lamestream Media
I Am The Gun Lobby
and I Don’t Advocate Arming Anyone

By Jeff Knox

The text can be viewed at


New member
It looks like there is no direct link available. Near the top of the front page, there is a block that reads: "Read the Latest JPFO Alert, Here" followed by "Who is the 'Gun Lobby?'" Click on that for the referenced text by Jeff Knox.

[JPFO sure has a busy web page]


New member

Re JPFO having "a busy web site", it is what it is. Possibly "busy" is better than "unbusy"

In any case, it seemed to me that if one went to the JPFO site, having seen my post, the rest was pretty obvious, though some might think otherwise.
In any case, it seemed to me that if one went to the JPFO site, having seen my post, the rest was pretty obvious, though some might think otherwise.
I see no reference to it on the front page, and a search for "Jeff Knox" returns only older articles. The article is also mirrored here.

If you're going to post about an external article, please provide a direct, working link. Readers should not have to go digging to find the content.
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