An employee here just UD'ed his Glock...


New member
and sent a round through his hand! NO, this is not to flame the Tupper-gun. I just posted it as a word of caution for us all. The guy is a mechanic working in a large garage bay. The round continued through one interior wall, and lodged into a second w/o penetrating the stucco exterior of the building. Another employee took him to the hospital. If I can find out further details, I'll let you all know.


New member
Well I feel for him, but the key to ANY weapon is to remember the safety rules at all times, he broke two of them at once and it cost him. Keep finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, and don't point your gun at anything you are not willing to destroy. Not trying to be harsh but those 2 rules would have prevented that.


New member
Well, apparently there were only 'earwitnesses'. So, nobody actually saw how it may have happened. Hopefully, I can speak to him before he's terminated, which will probably happen.


New member
Reserve your sympathies, for now. It gets even more interesting.

Apparently, our boy never went to the hospital afer all. He went home and wrapped his hand, then returned to work to try and get his gun before the police arrived! Our mgmt. called the police TWICE after it initially occurred, naturally assuming that a report would be required. Apparently, they were informed both times that it was NOT NECESSARY, as only the owner was injured, with minor property damgage?!?!? Now, our man returns with more concern over his gun then his grievous hand injury? This time, the PD were informed of the employee's unusual behavior, and they concurred that now MAY be a good time to come out. Seems to me he may have a concern of more pressing nature, like his freedom.
Workplace violence issue?

Ah! A man is shot on the job. Is this workplace violence ;) or is the man just a threat to himself? Tough call for the Human Resource (or as I call them, Human Refuse) Specialist.

Just being facetious. I hope he's better and learns his lesson about muzzle control.


New member
Out of curiosity...

I'd like to know the specifics...

Was the gun holstered? If so, what type of holster?

Did the gun fall out of the holster? If so, did he attempt to 'save' it before it hit the ground?


New member
Apparently, it was in his toolbox. He may have ejected the chambered round w/o first dropping the mag(DOH!). Then, when he went to drop the striker, it did what it was designed to! He had his palm inverted over the front sight, with the fleshy, lower edge of his hand somewhere in front of the muzzle. At least that's how it was related to me.

So, the Gendarmes arrive, and guess what? They clam right up about the situation after doing an NCIC check with his personnel info. Do you think they might have dropped the ball by not responding on the first call??? As a former LEO, I can tell you w/o reservation that is just plain lackluster police work.:(


New member
Thankfully, we have no explicit prohibition against it in the employee handbook. But, I can see a memo on the horizon soon.:(
Not a good thing.

But, it's not unusual.

One of the primary firearms training officers for the Metropolitan Washington Police Department blew the tips off of two of his fingers a couple of years ago with his Glock.

He had the index finger set with a slight crook in the first joint so that he could still easily work the trigger if he was shooting off-handed.

He takes full responsibility for his ND.

7th Fleet

New member
If the trigger gets pulled on a Glock, its gonna go boom, its susposed to do that. As others have said never let the muzzle address anything that you don't want to shoot and keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot. Still damned good advice.



New member

The last time I read a post and thought "how could anyone be so negligent?" it was about people leaving their handguns in places (like restrooms, etc.) Then the very next weekend, I was helping my Brother-I-L move, and he asked me to get his Taurus .38 out of the closet (still in box) and keep it with me in the cab of the U-Haul. I set it down in the compartment on the front of the dash, and FORGOT IT!!! :eek: When they took the truck back, they didn't see it, but fortunately the owner of the U-haul place was honest, and caught them before they even left the parking lot!!!

So now, after reading this post, and thinking the SAME THING, I guess I have to re-emphasize to myself the safe handling rules of my Kahr P9 (striker fired, like Glock).

You're right, there will be an "announcement" at your workplace VERY SOON, probably Monday :)

Thanks for sharing... it's good to be reminded!


New member
Can'rt speak for Florida, but here in NY, any injury related to firearms...even BB guns..requires a police report. I'll ask some of the Florida officers on other boards what the requirements are down there.


New member
I guess he was arrested last night, and bonded out this morning. He came in afterward to sign his walking papers and pick up his tools. BTW, I live in AZ, and the PD involved is in suburban Phoenix.