An argument to give "Americans for Gun Safety"


New member
They claim they are in the "middle" - they respect the rights of americans to own guns (they include SELF DEFENSE in this); but push for "reasonable safety".

Fine, then, how about they push for something other than gun bans or having all sales registered with govt.?

For example, where do they stand on the rights of Americans in Washington DC to own guns? They can't buy handguns, and as I understand it long guns, and they can't be kept ready for self defense.

In ensuring both rights and safety, I figure the furthest from the "norm" is Washington DC.


IMHO this organization is going to make a lot of noise over the next couple of months. Please keep this point of view at the forefront!!

This organization is nothing more than the same old gun control groups with a sheepskin draped over them.

Their founder Andrew McKelvey donated $2 million to Handgun Control Inc, $1 million to the Million Mom March and sat on the board of directors for HCI. (Denver Post, Oct. 5, 2000)

Not only this, but McKelvey offered $60,000 to former gun-control groups to fund their state operations if they would join his group. However, when some of those groups objected to his saying that "individuals have a right to own firearms" and quit, McKelvey let them keep the $60,000 grants. (Source: Washington Post, April 29, 2001 )

I think we should definitely keep asking them hard questions about their supposed support of gun owners; but more importantly we need to make sure that the 36% of gun owners who supported Gore realize what a sham this organization really is.