An appology from 700CDL

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New member
I sincerely appologize if my post, or any that followed that post "When it happens to you" some how offended you, or others in any manner. Your personal opinion or profile of me, or your opinion of my purpose for those posts, do not leave me with any anemosity or grudge what so ever. I am glad we live in a country that allows us the right to express our thougts, or more specifically, post our opinions of another individual. This is only the second web site of this type I've been a part of and I really enjoy it, and its broad spectrum of formums. What you said was your right to say, and in fact reflects a simular respect and gratitude for our constitution as mine, in other words, one that affords us these freedoms. A good healthy debate or personal opinion is not a bad thing, but I some how allowed it to get out of hand. I do not take anyones opinion of me personal, after all, it is only an opinion. I emensly enjoy being a part of this, and hope that in the future I will demonstrate restraint in how I respond to everyone so I don't lose this privilage. Once again, I am sincere in my appology for having offended you, and everyone else, and will refrain from inflamatory posting. And with respect to Mike Irwin, I sincerely appologize for having consumed your time with this issue Sir. You have created a really cool place for us gun guys to discuss relative topics, and I should have been more mindful of your purpose and valuable time.
700CDL and family


New member
I have no idea what you said but I do know that it takes a real Mensch to stand up publicly and admit that you've done wrong.

Here's to you...


New member
After reading your thread..... I think others should have started this thread for themself.

Regardless if your story is accurate or not, the mob mentality was forming rather than an inquisitive mentality, IMO.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Your attitude and intentions here are greatly appreciated 700CDL, but I think it's best that unpleasant times remain in the past.

Closed, but left up as an example to others.
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