Amusing image of a UK cop


New member
He looks like it kinda hurt to get those tatoos. Of course maybe it's something else entirely and those are just the U- stick em's kind.

Hard Ball

New member
Now Oleg, you KNOW that picture must be a fake. England is a gun free, crime free place. A British bobby would NEVER carry any kind of gun, certainly not an evil black submachone gun. :D :D :D


New member
Hmmm, I believe that is called "Devonshire ready" (I'm ready for the warm, bitter beer)!:D

Why the silly pistol caliber carbine? Why all the prison tats? Are those from Balfour House? Can't he just wear a club tie?

Questions, questions, questions.

D.W. Drang

New member
Must be pulling security at a soccer.. er, "footie" game... er, "match." :rolleyes:
Jeeze, why can't those people speak 'murcan? :D


New member
prison? nah, more likely ex-squaddie by the tats...... can't see the shoulder numbers clearly but i doubt he is a Met officer (there should be a "CO" or "D" above the row of numbers)

looks like it was taken at one of those county fetes / police open day type things


New member
Squinting at monitor. Hmmm. Ag, believe it or not, doing what I do, I see a splendid lot of prison tats.:D Those are prison tats, old boy, at least on this side of the pond. The wolves guarding the sheep? By Jove!


New member
I don't know. Maybe I'm just to traditional but a police officer with tattoos. I have a hard time respecting that.:confused:

Phil Ca

New member
He is probably seconded over from the SAS or is a former SAS troop. The way that wire looks near his mouth it looks like he is sucking on a "Camelback".............must get hot there huh?


New member
i doubt very much that anyone from the sas is serving with the police in the uk at the moment, if for no other reason than they can make much more money doing private security work for the likes of the beckhams which is much easier than walking around leicester square for twelve hours.

radio aerial eating is a serious problem in the force, i went cold turkey but even now i find myself chewing at the handset, i dunno what chemicals they put in them but it tastes good.



New member
Those aren't "prison tat's" on his arms. Just because a person chooses to express themselves with some ink on their skin doesn't mean they've been in prison. Some of you people are awfully judgemental. I suppose that a photo of me wearing a leather jacket while sitting on my bike would cause you all to suggest I was a 1%er in need of a cell.:rolleyes: :barf:


New member
Not judgmental, blades; it's a quasi-free country (well, not the UK). Call it an ex-LEO's reasonable suspicion.:)

Leather jacket + a scooter=young & nubile magnet. "Oh, blades, what are you rebelling against?" [blades squinting at camera] "Bad shooting, baby, bad shooting."