Ammunition Performance Forum? Sticky?

Ammunition FAQ Forum? Sticky?

  • Yes...we need a place to post ammo reference info...

    Votes: 25 80.6%
  • No...already covered in other forums; go dig for it...

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • Half-baked idea; but here's what would work...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Happy Holidays to All at TFL:

I've been with TFL since '99 and have enjoyed the forum immensely. The available knowledge and experience of our 23,000+ members is priceless. I can't remember the last time I purchased a gun rag...

Would members be interested in a running sticky thread (with index) or a new forum concerning general ammunition performance / ammo myths / exterior ballistics / ammunition & ballistics glossary?

I sometimes see legitimate newby posts answered with a recommendation to use the search function or link to a previous thread. The problem is that newer shooters don't have enough firearms vocabulary to do a good search nor enough experience to winnow the facts from fiction in some threads.

I also see folks with borderline Alzheimers (like myself :D ) try to honestly answer a question but bobble the facts a little. A handy central reference would be nice for those of us who have forgotten things over the years.

I notice a lot of repeat questions and threads concerning things like:

Will caliber XXX penetrate a house wall? cinder blocks? a dirt backstop?
Will caliber XXX shoot thru an automobile or crack an engine block?
Would ammunition tossed in a campfire (or left in a house fire) be dangerous?
Can I fire a weapon underwater? How far would the bullet travel?
What calibers will reliably penetrate auto glass/bodywork?
Can anyone post photos for patterning of various shotshell loads?
How far will a fired bullet travel (unimpeded)?
What weight/style of bullet was caliber XXX originally designed for?
What are the standard measurements for various calibers (bullet diameter, standard velocities, standard bullet weights)?
What calibers are interchangeable out of the same weapon (e.g., .38/.357)?
Can anyone provide photos/data from personally conducted ammunition tests?
Can I store ammo in a hot trunk / glove compartment?
Can I shoot my Grandfather's leftover Korean War vintage ammo?
Will ammunition freeze and deteriorate?
Will caliber XXX ammo knock a man off of his feet?
What materials are used to make bullets? jackets? cases? primers?
How does frangible ammunition work? Does it?
What are the differences between rifled and non-rifled shotgun slugs?
What does "LSWCHP +P" stand for? What does .30-'06 stand for?
When was caliber XXX developed and for what intended use?

You get the idea...

Suggested topics would be submitted to the moderators and posted at their discretion. A quality control would have to be run for factual accuracy (no third hand stories or opinions). We would just include commonly accepted facts, glossary, data, formulas, photos, or diagrams demonstrating ammunition terminal performance, ballistics, history, or design.

This would not be intended to poach traffic from the Handloading/Reloading Forum nor stifle traffic in any other Forum. It would be a kind of quick reference FAQ / Myth Buster location for general ammunition concerns.

I think it would be useful but am uncertain as to whether it should be something in the Library, a Sticky in an existing Forum, or a completely new TFL Forum.

Put down that Cheeto and Vote...


New member
I think an ammunition performance forum would be a great idea. I noticed David Difabio is a member of the firing line. David is usually considered the best as far as ammunition testing and maybe could drop in from time to time to give us all advice about ammunition selection.


New member
I like the idea of a seperate forum.

Sticky's can get overdone real easy.
(Not that TFL would do that though. One of the things I appreciate here is the lack of Sticky's compared to other boards)

I'm a lurker on a SQL forum that overdoes the Sticky's to the point that half of the front page is nothing but Sticky's. :barf:

What happens is I subconciously tune out anything that says Sticky.
I don't think that's unusual because most of the topics covered under the Sticky's there are ignored by just about everybody. Post after post will start that covers the exact same topic. Usually those posts get locked and the poster referred to the Sticky. Then it's a real mess. The front page is half Sticky's with a smattering of locked posts thrown in,,,,,and a very few topics.