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Ammo specific section

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New member
Ammo specific section, is there one?
Can I suggest one?
Possibly divided by type, rim, cf pistol, cf rifle and possibly shotgun too?

Had an interesting experience with a specific round the other day. Lots of FTE, often with bulged rear of brass. Even a couple that blew out side of casing at hammer strike and peppered my forehead with powder burns.
After examination of last shell, I tossed the rest in trash.

Btw, thank God for glasses.


New member
If this was a rimfire, the rimfire section might be a better place for it. I can't tell much from what little info is in your querry. I only came on your post by accident.

Evan Thomas

New member
If this was a rimfire, the rimfire section might be a better place for it.
If we had a separate rimfire section, which we don't, and won't... :)

Threads about a specific kind of ammo can be started in the subforum for type of gun that uses it, and more general questions in more general forums. Aside from people who collect cartridges for their own sake -- and we have a few collectors, but not enough to give them their own subforum -- people are typically interested in ammo as it relates to shooting, not as a topic unto itself.


New member
Mea culpa. If this was rimfire the fault may not be in the ammo. A dirty chamber or some other condition that lnterferred with chambering may be at fault. I oonce blew out a case when a 22 fired out of battery. Also rimfire chambers can get peened on the rim and firing pins can get out of shape. If this happened to me I would look at the gun before the ammo. These sort of problems can pop up when a cracked part finally breaks. Have you tried other ammo?

Mal H

This isn't the forum to discuss any technical aspects of ammo or even firearms. It's for "Site Questions and Tech Support".

The bottom line is we aren't going to add an ammo specific forum. As Evan clearly stated, ammo discussions go in the forum specific to the type of firearm that fires the ammo. If ammo is used in more than one platform (e.g., .45 ACP is used in almost all firearm types), then the discussion would fit nicely in the General Discussion forum.

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