Ammo Shortage - Just What Obama Wants

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New member
Gun owners are making the liberal dream come true, no ammo available.

I'm a recreational shooter. On a monthly basis I shoot less than 300 rounds of .22, .38, .357, and 9x18 each. I don't stockpile. I've experienced the ammo shortage. Nothing at Wal-Mart, lately internet sites are backordered or not even accepting backorders. We are playing into the hands of the anti-gun.

Today I was making the rounds trying to restock last weekend's shooting. I dropped by the local Cabela's, Bass Pro, and Wal-mart. My local Wal-mart surprised me by having 2 boxes of .38 target ammo.

I bought one box and explained to the clerk that the reason for only buying one is I know the feeling of finding shelves empty. She is also a recreation shooter and thanked me. I hope the person that bought that last box appreciates it also.

Its time to stop playing into the hands of the liberal agenda. Responsible gun ownership should include reasonalble ammo inventories.


New member
Not sure what you are trying to say. On an annual basis, I shoot less than 300 rounds, probably no more than 150. My guns are tools only. I have plenty of ammo to last a few years but I haven't bought tons just to sell later like some. I say buy what you want, however much you want.

So are you saying that because inventories are scarce right now, those folks who didn't divine the shortage ahead of time and stock up are irresponsible?

Maybe I'm old school, but unlike the current Administration and Congress, I'd rather not tell others how to live their lives, and that includes how much ammo they should have purchased. Guess I'm just funny that way.


Obama really doesnt care about ammo shortages or not.

And Walmart, and the other big boxes are reaping what they have sowed.

We have plenty of ammo because we dont jerk folks around. If you have ever supplied stuff to a big box, you will know what I mean

WildhahaAlaska TM

Mr. Davis

New member
You can't buy ammo, so we're all liberal puppets? You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I think you're just frustrated you can't find ammo, so you're blaming Obama and lefties.

I'm no liberal, and no hoarder...I just think your premise is silly.


New member
I try buy my ammo a year or two in advance so if and when there are blips in the supply chain, I can (hopefully if done right) continue to shoot. If I shot "less than 300 rounds a month", I'd probably have 5000 rounds or more on hand so if there was a shortage, I could continue to shoot.

I shoot about 1000 to 1500 rounds a month during the warm weather. So it probably works out to about 8000 to 12000 rounds a year if the weather cooperates. If you throw in the occasional trips to the indoor range in cold weather, I reckon I shoot another thousand or so. So by my standards, I should have at least 20000 rounds. And after last week when I shot every day, I'm now a bit short. :( I can't believe I let my stock dwindle as much as I did. I am now in the process of correcting that.

A lesson I learned in the service- "Prior planning prevent **** poor performance". :D


New member
Chupps, you'll start feeling better if you quit complaining about the problem and start building yourself a stockpile and jealously hoarding it. It's a fundamental requirement for shooting things and you should always have some if you're going to own a gun.

This whole problem is caused by gun owners who did not regularly squirrel away ammunition in their hoards like they are supposed to in the good times. Everyone who owns a gun should want to store hundreds if not thousands of rounds of ammunition, because a gun isn't much use without the stuff. Unfortunately not all do, and when some malevolent political force threatens to shut off the supply of arms and ammunition these improvident gun owners suddenly aspire to own a small ammunition dump of their very own.

Thus, people who formerly thought in terms of BOXES of ammo discover the glories of CASES of ammo, with predictable effect on the supply.
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Its time to stop playing into the hands of the liberal agenda. Responsible gun ownership should include reasonalble ammo inventories.
I shoot ~7000 rounds/year. A "reasonable" inventory is twice what you shoot.


In any case, I don't wait around for a crisis (real or imagined), so I prepare ahead of time. My supplies have dipped a hair lower than I'd like due to the current binge, but I'm by no means hurting.

Sorry if you waited until now to consider keeping a stock of ammo, but you'll be better prepared next time.

Bud Helms

Senior Member

You'll need to separate the politics out and try to discuss firearms without it.

Complaints about "the liberal agenda" are old and tiresome. Like sheeple. :rolleyes:

Gotta close this one buddy, just too much politicking goin' on. Try it again without that stuff if you want. That includes the title. ;)

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