Ammo prices


New member
More info on something we're all too ready aware of.

"Hunters and gun enthusiasts are learning a tough fact these days: Bullets don't need to be made of silver any more to cost a lot of money.

Reuters is reporting that, thanks to the high price of metal and constant demand from militias worldwide, the cost of ammunition is skyrocketing.

"Ammo prices for many popular guns have more than tripled in the last three years, driven in large part by surging demand for metals in rapidly developing China," the news service reports. "Shooters, gun dealers and sheriffs say the impact has been further aggravated by competition for limited ammo stocks with the U.S. military."

This is a particular problem for gun enthusiasts who go through a large amount of ammunition, such as target shooters.

"If you have three or four children, and they all go out on a hunting trip, the cost of ammo can be a bit of a burden," Luis Hernandez, a hunter from Douglas, Ariz., tells Reuters."


New member
I have 6 sons, and 1 daughter; and I'd be more then happy to pay for their ammo to go on a hunting trip together. Only the 2 youngest are regulars now, and I don't know if that will last another year, (College and work). There isn't a greater time to bond with the kids, and its not going to last. Long after I'm gone, they'll be telling stories of the one that they, or I missed, or the big one they had to drag out for me. Soon their may be grand kids though, and I can start again.