Ammo Pressure Questions


New member
I dont understand, when I checked SAAMI's pressure data I read that standard load 9mm and .40 S&W have the same pressure specs at 35,000PSI. Now im wondering, why a lot of people say that the .40 has a snappier recoil. Could it be its just another .40 bashing?

Enlighten me, thanks.


New member
The .45 ACP has lesser pressure rating compared to the 9mm and .40 S&W and it has more recoil.

The more weight being pushed has an equal force teansmitted to the pusher. So, the heavier the projectile/ the heavier the recoil regardless of pressure.


New member
eighty deuce - my thoughts with the 45acp at only 21,000PSI. now, is it possible to download the .40 to below 30,000psi but maintaining reliable slide action?