Ammo Manufacturers


New member
Has anyone actually contacted them?? Most of the posts that i have seen is people just talking to the retailers themselves. I am curious if there has actually been an announcement from the makers themselves or wholesalers for that matter.

I am just curious to see if there is an actual date in the future that will have production actually meeting demand, or is this going to be the norm??


New member
I haven't contacted them but this same thing happened on 2008. They eventually caught up and you were able to get ammo again. I think it will take longer this time around because there is too much uncertainty as to what is going to happen. People are panicking like no time in recent history. After 2008 I bought enough ammo to last me several years in case it happened again.....which it is.


New member
I'm with you. I have/had plenty but got paranoid to shoot it with everything going on now. I just placed an order with Brownells for some surplus and, if I ever get it, I'll be set for a few years.


New member
Many manufacturing companies will have a slow down at the end of the calendar year, so that could be contributing to this a little. I would think most of them are now running at full capacity, but can’t see them increasing capacity significantly until all of the legal issues are resolved.


New member
A lot of firms slow down for a couple of weeks in December, folks take their Christmas holidays, and shipping slows due to gifts moving around the country. They'll ramp up production and ship it out soon. Retailers here report they are getting orders, but not quickly.


New member
Also bear in mind that the larger ammo companies do not produce all their loadings all the time. Instead, certain offerings are produced in runs at particular times (usually to correspond with the time of year that said ammo is most in demand such as a particular hunting season). When you have an unexpected spike in demand such as we're in the midst of now, it can often take quite some time for the ammo company to catch up with demand for offerings that they weren't currently producing.


New member
I was just curious, there is so much speculation, i didn't know if any of them had made an official statement about production numbers, or backlogs.


New member
maybe I am too conspiracy minded, but I think the govt buying all those rounds of ammunition was part of a plan to make ammo more scarce. It didnt cost Obama anything to order so much, and it keeps more of it away from the rest of us. I dont know what end result he hoped for though.

Uncle Buck

New member
I usually get my bullets at the Sierra Factory, in Sedalia Missouri. (Factory seconds) Problem is, they are out of .45 ACP and are not planning on running until sometime in late Jan or early Feb.

They just finished the hunting season (Rifle Bullets), still have to keep up with the Lake City Ammo Plant orders and find time in between to get back to what I need. :eek:

Although I do not know the actual numbers, they may run, for example, the machines long enough to produce 60 Million bullets in caliber X, then they have to reset the dies and make them in caliber Y, then repeat for the next caliber (And each caliber gets three or four different weights).

AND, before they will release the bullets for sale, they have to go through quality control checks that include hand inspection and firing a test batch for each run of bullets they make.

If any of you ever get a chance to actually tour a bullet factory or a cartridge manufacturing factory, jump at the chance. I have toured the Sierra Factory and the Starline Brass in Sedalia MO. I also got a chance to tour Missouri Bullets, Kingsville Missouri. You will see employees and machines going full bore. (No pun intended)

The holidays also slowed them down quite a bit, as pesky employees really want to spend time with their family. :cool:


New member
About those gigantic Gov't contracts : they are a Request for Proposals, and not actual contracts issued to a firm, is my understanding. The number of cartridges advertised is the maximum that would be purchased under the contract, over the life of the contract, 5 years.


New member
Ammo manufacturers are making ammo as fast as they can. Your problem is a sudden huge spike in consumption caused by politics has devasted all the retailer and wholesalers stock. It will take a few months to recover providing demand wanes. If demand keeps up at this tempo, it will could take much longer to return to normal.


New member
On another forum a firearms dealer who visited with ammo manufacturers at SHOT said that he knows at least the Hornady and Federal ammo plants were running flat out with three shifts every day. He said they are estimating it will take until 2015 to catch up on current orders. :eek:

There is lot of logistics that go into this. They have to have the powder and bullets for various calibers, weights and styles in inventory. If there is a sudden rush they can't reach all the back into the supply line and focus everything on .223 FMJ and 9mm FMJ. Probably take weeks or months to do that, and to some degree that may be happening right now. But to produce carious grades adn types of ammo takes resetting machines, clearing out and loading new components and doing another run. It all take time. Then you add the two weeks or so to go from shipping dock to dealers' shelves.