Ammo for Christmas? From a Chic?

Ammo for Christmas? From a Chick?

Lasy night i got one of my Christmas gifts from this girl that I'm kinda dating. I opened the box to find 2 boxes (100 rounds) of Winchester 230 gr .45 JHP. My jaw dropped to the floor. I think I'm gonna keep this one around for a while!

Anyone else get ammo for Christmas from your significadnt other?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Strapped with HKs
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Dain Bramage

New member
Is she a chic chick?

I thought he took offense at ammo suggestions from the fashionably enabled.

Don't forget, the Pierre Cardin "Hydra-Slaps" only work if you limp wrist them.


New member
My wife is getting 2 boxes of Winchester .357 Silvertips and another speedloader (and some other stuff too:)).

She doesn't like to shoot the big stuff from her Model 60, but I think she should have some more experience with it.

I'd buy her a holster to go with her newly acquired carry permit, but I'll pass and let her pick. Jeez, it would be easier to buy her a bra.


New member
I was in the gun shop yesterday and this girl walks in to do some Christmas shopping for her boyfriend. On her list... Gold Dot ammo 2 boxes in 45 acp, Galco holster, 4 Chip McCormick 10-round mags, and a Kimber t-shirt. Now, I get to talking to her...inquiring about a sister ;)
I got a box of 49 115 grain +p gold dots a few years back from my girlfriend. When I asked her why one was missing, she said she 's holding on to one round in case I ever cheat on her. Since then, I've always wished for just a tie or socks...

Dave R

New member sweet wife bought me a PSO-1 "v" scope for my AK. Can't wait for the day after Christmas so I can zero it in.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I know lot's of chic's; but none are in the ammo business.:(
Guess I will have to roll my own; or buy some factory rounds
with Christmas proceed's?:cool:

Merry Christmas,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Love thy wife

Its quite easy you see, Women are special. You have to treat them right and do little things for them even if they don't ask. My bride of 32 yrs just bought me a new Beretta 92fs Y2K model and yesterday she came in with 1000 rounds of 9mm ammo...She is the best! "Now I really wonder what she wants." just kidding!


New member
My lovely bride is unable to buy ammo for me because you have to have a pistol permit to buy it here so she did the next best thing....bought me a reloading kit :D

The Reaper

New member
Mine used to buy me ammo, then she stepped up big one Christmas. A S&W M29 and a Win 94 Trapper with ammo to match.

This year was a motorcycle and a Sig P220ST, which I picked up today. Oh and the leather to go with the P220ST. Breaking it in as I type.

The only problem is what to get a woman like this. I've bought her a couple guns this year and a P7 last year. The only gun on her shopping list is a Sig P210. But I think she is worth it so I'm working on it. Her sister is nothing like her and married, so don't ask. Yes, I am planning to live a lot longer so don't think that either.;)

Merry Christmas all!!


Staff Alumnus
I met this really fun good looking Goth Hairdresser Girl once who happened to own an AK 47, she buys her boyfriend cases of ammo for Christmas. I asked if there were more like her around.. (many many times I asked). Turns out there was a "friend".. long story short it didn't work out. The friend wasn't into the guns as much and I 'm not a musician.

Had a friend of mine dating a girl who owned more guns than me.:D I recall saying something like "why do you always get the good ones?" She used him like a beach towel and took his best CD's. She was a mean one. I think she's a lawyer now. :eek:

I'm accustomed to finding new "toys" under the tree in my family, but I have yet to date a girl that bought me ammo.

She sounds like a keeper.


New member
If you want to keep her around, maybe you shouldn't refer to her as a "chick". She might take offense.

I gotta agree with David on this one ... she ain't a "chick" that, my friend is a lady. (sounds like a keeper too)


New member
To Reaper, et al

This year, for Christmas, my wife of 41 years bought me a SIG P210-5-9.
