Ammo costs...up, up and away!


New member
I've been buying Federal 22.LR bricks from Wal-Mart for a while. It's a good range round and at $9.88 for 550, it was a deal.

Now, Wal-Mart has raised the price to $10.97. That's more than an 11% increase...overnight!

It's still cheaper than other .22LR ammo on the shelf, but please...when will these costs stabilize?

I'm shooting my .22 Ruger more now than ever, because everything else is too expensive. At what price would start cutting back on your target practice?


New member
If you think .22's have gone up in price just look at centerfire. It's scary.
Last year hardball .45's were $9-$11/box. At the last gun show the import cheap stuff was $16/box.
Don't talk to me about reloading components. Bullets that were $45/1000 are $70/1000. The increases are just crazy.Not a few pennies here and there but dollars. I'll be shooting paper clips pretty soon.


When will the costs stabilize??? Do you know how long 500rds of .22LR has been $10 or less? It's been at least ten years, probably more. Don't get too worked up about it, it's been a long time coming. Those bulk packs are still a hell of a bargain.


New member
Raw materials keep going up in price. The product goes up in price.
Its that simple. Most of the raw material is no longer mined in the US.

Theres a war on, so Uncle Sam is buying up tons.
That and the weak dollar is just making it more expensive.


New member
Federal went from $9.88 to ~$12.80. I bought up all the Winchester stuff I could as it has not increased in price yet.

When will the costs stabilize???
The demand for metals is increasing and the US dollar is currently being debased by the Federal Reserve. In 2004 and 2005 the world supply of US dollars increased by over 1 trillion each year. The end result is inflation and debasement of the Dollar. So the simple answer is, not anytime soon.

Fiat currency (Currency by faith) has a 2000 year history of failure. Here is a good article going over the dismal history of Fiat currency. If history is any indicator, we are currently heading in the same direction of every other Fiat currency, debasement and collapse of the currency and its hosting economy.

The Downfall of Fiat Currency


New member
i was at my local gander moutain store the other day and was checking out 9mm prices, CCI blazer was like $13 a box. thats crazy.


New member
The dollar is in the toilet, courtesy of profligate spending, and poorly chosen military antics by Bush and Co. Material prices are way up. Finally, prices will advance to the until customers say NO, via not purchasing the stuff.

farnorthdan writes:

Build your own bullets and buy Gold!!! my .02


Valid thoughts perhaps, certainly interesting, but have you looked at the price of cast bullets if you buy them or lead prices lately, if you cast or plan to cast your own. Then primers have really jumped too. Prices generally advance( increase) to the extent they can.


New member
I don't forsee ammo getting any cheaper in my lifetime so I try to buy ammo and reloading supplies on a monthly basis. Ammo can keep a long time and even if you're only buying a few boxes a month it can add up (depending on how fast you use it up, of course). I'm also buying and shooting a lot more .22lr than I used to.


New member
Yea, "make your own". Pretty soon they will leave your hubcaps alone and steal the wheelweights! Pretty clever-if you can't get their guns, get the ammo? But it does seem like they make the stuff out of oil instead of lead, the way the prices are climbing so steeply. Maybe the next thing is a switch to muzzleloaders for some of us who want to keep shooting cheaply.
Not for me, I reload, my 40 S&W ammo with Ranier plated bullets is running $6/50 and my 357 mag ammo is also running $6/50.:p:p

Factory 40 S&W ammo = $15/50
Factory 357 mag ammo = $18-$30/50.:eek:

chris in va

New member
Here, I've got one for you. The only place I can buy Wolf 7.62x39 here locally is at Gander Mountain. It's been $4.99 for a while, last week they jacked it up to $6.99/20. :eek:

Jeff #111

New member
I'm shooting less and I've purchased Snap Caps so I can practice dry firing, immediate action drills and reloading drills (revolver and semi-auto). It may not be as satisfying as live ammo, but it's better than nothing.

I'm still purchasing ammo, but now I'm hoarding. And I am now buying greater amounts of 22LR. Glad I bought a Browning Buckmark a few years ago.

I'm taking a lesson from my grandfather. He passed away in 2004 at the age of 87. He told me that back in the 1930's ammo was very expensive and during much of the 1940's ammo for civilian use was fairly scarce and expensive. Because of the war I would imagine.

He said his practice sessions were all about quality. For example, if all he shot was two cylinders of 38 special then he made sure that each one of those rounds were excellent shots. He also did alot of dry firing and other drills such as presenting the revolver from the holster and then reholstering.

He was a decent shot. He always bagged his limit during duck hunting season and deer season up until his 72 year when he stopped hunting because of health concerns.

I guess the moral of the story is one dosen't need to go through five hundred rounds every range session to be a competent shot. The price increases are irritating though.


New member
Ugh. I went to walmart to grab 20 bricks of the cheap federal 22 and it aint cheap anymore. Went from 9.90 to 11.97! Thats 20% overnight. This is insane.


New member
Thats a nice thought,but helps no one and ticks me off.

I wasn't trying to tick you off, simply stating a fact.

There increases aren't exactly a surprise. The past 10 years, ammo prices have risen. As long as people are willing to pay, prices will keep going up.