amm help


New member
Unfortunately each rifle is different, so what works best in one dosnt in another. Usually the higher priced ammo is more accurate, but not always. The most accurate in your rifle is actually a developed load derived from reloading.


New member
i dont reload

Then you'll have to rely on trial and error the expensive way. Hornady Custom, Federal etc. all make premium ammo. Start with something cheap like a CorLoct by Remington, you might be pleasanly suprised.


New member
i dont reload

I would advise you to start. There is an initial investment in tools, supplies etc. You will also spend more to begin with as you experiment with components, but once you figure out what works in your rifle you can dramatically reduce the cost of ammo. Not only that, but you will dramatically increase your rifles accuracy and even improve ballistic performnce.

I have found that Tikka's tend to give acceptable accuracy with many loads. I'd buy a 1 box of several types and see what works best until I start reloding. Until then, save your brass. It will save you a lot of expense later when you do start reloading.