Americans for Gun Safety(AGS)


New member
Has anyone heard anything from this group except their intention to close the "Gun Show Loophole". That is the only thing that is on their website. Anyone have further insight into them. I know that they are just gun-grabbers like the rest of them but anyone have any articles or other such info.


New member
"They" do not have members.

"They" are backed by internet Billionaire Andrew McKelvy (sp?)

"They" are all smoke and mirrors - saying they are for gun safety which is the new code word for gun control.

My opinion is Andy has a serious case of leftwing induces rich mans guilt, coupled with a realization that it is pretty amazing to be a billionaire and now that he is on top of the world, one little bullet could end it all just like that. Better do something - lets throw lots of money at gun control - oh, cool, it makes me really popular with the 'in' crowd too.

I swear, if I was a billionaire, I would bring the full weight of my fortune to bear to oust the anti freedom people and defend and restore the constitution. My life, my fortune, my sacred honor, etc...
Use the search function

TFL has been on top of Americans For Gun Safety ever since they formed and there is a wealth of information about them here.

For a quick refresher on the basics, they were founded and are funded by Andrew McKelvey, a former board of directors member of Handgun Control Inc. The staff is comprised of Clinton refugees (Jonathan Cowan - Cuomo's right-hand man and leader of the infamous S&W pact proposal, Jennifer Palmieri and a whole bunch of other) and a few Republicans who favor gun control (Scott Reed - Bob Dole's campaign manager and McCain, who sold out for $2 million).