American Rifleman - Smith & Wesson Shorty 40 Review

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New member
Just when I thought I had all the firearms I could need, American Rifleman has an article on the Smith & Wesson Performance Center and four of the pistols they make. All the Performance Center pistols are semi-custom, some are darned near hand-made. The author ascribes 1 large hole groups at 25 yards with the S40, and also described their 952, a Bullseye 9mm with a 5" barrel.

Maybe now that the NRA has recognized Smith & Wesson's Resurgance from Brit ownership, the business of the "boycott" can be put behind us and we can see more of these gunsmiths, some of them 4th or 5th generation, building more!


New member
Careful, VVG, you'll get the knuckle draggers all riled up. :D

The PC semi's are excellent pistols. I find the grip angles on some to not work for me though. But I'd be willing to bet that a good set of wood grips from an aftermarket maker would solve that.

Pricey, for sure, but they are well made....IN THE USA!!


New member
Reporting for duty.

Just want to ask what the boycott has to do with "Brit Owners"?

And what does Wayne LaPierre have to do with a judge declaring the contract void and uninforcible?

And why am I contributing to his salary when the NRA is taking money from Smith and Wesson?

And Roger, why do you imply that anyone who disagrees with you has really long arms and poor posture?


New member
I implied nothing of the kind.

Start a topic in the political forum and we can discuss how ridulous any "boycott' of Smith and Wesson was and is. Those are who are still ranting and raving about the evil S&W, are the referred to parties.

You can disagree with me on a lot of topics. It is only this one that "frosts my cajones". :rolleyes:


New member
Chills mine too.

Just poked a little fun at your "knuckle dragger" comment. Not gonna go Political with you. We've both been there a few times.

First two questions in my post were for VVG to ponder. Rest was for fun.

Hey! How bout this? You go Political, I'll watch.:)


New member
Nah......the whole argument is boring for both sides.

It's much more fun to talk about and look at guns.


Eric Larsen

New member
Supposedly the TSW series guns were heavily influenced by the Custom shop guns. Ive lusted after the Shorty 40 for a while...If they were only cheaper...even used ones go for a pretty penny.
Shoot well


New member
We need to contribute to Stephen A. Camp fund, so he can review one.

They also review the 952, a 9mmP 5" barrel Bullseye pistol - didn't know they made one!



New member
hehehe :D

The 952 looks a lot like the venerable Model 52 which was a 38 Special automatic. Very accurate and superb single action trigger. If you can't get a group out of one of those, here's a clue: it ain't the gun! :p


New member
I won't buy a new SW even if that makes me a knuckledragger. But I do like the SW 3rdGen autos. I despise the TSW line because they ruined the clean lines with the plastic rails and the ugly lettering. Why on earth did SW put those giant letters on the 952? Its clean lines are ruined with needless advertisement.


New member
Pogo, I resemble that picture, too! :(

OK, guys, I only saw the pic of the 952 with the other side visible. I agree that the rollmarks are w-a-a-y over the top and more suitable for a Ruger or a Daisy. BTW, do they have the stamped cautions all over the piece a la Rugers now?

For the record. the Model 52 is finished in the old fashioned Brite Blue that has a shine like nothing you will see made nowadays. It also has the little markings from back in the classic low key days.


New member
I saw the NRA magazine today and really think the 952 looks like a POS for being from a "custom shop" whatever that means. (does anybody know?) The grips looked like luan plywood, fercryinoutloud! Conversely the ones in the photo on this thread look like high gloss plastic.

The custom shop pieces look like the quality is not up to the usual production standards of pre-80s S&Ws. Sad. Really sad.


New member
NO to S&W.

When did the Mass "agreement" "lapse"?

When some other weapons manufacturer, take you pick, says, in print, that S&W is back in the fold, and that they can compete in ALL markets with the oldies, I'll listen.

'till then, with knuckles in drag, my bucks go elsewhere!


New member
Benewton, this is covered in an Editor's piece in the magazine, if you're an NRA member you should get it soon. I believe they used the term "Vacated" in reference to the agreement with Boston, but it's void in any event. But you live in NH, buy SIGs!


New member

...will sell us all out for what they hope are some good guns.

Less rights for all of us.
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