American Rifleman is GREAT this month.


New member
if you want to read a jillion articles on scopes.

Guns? Sorry.

Unless you're into commemorative schlock.



Wait till they start issuing commemorative things to commemorate other commemorative things.

"New! The LIMITED EDITION COLLECTORS ITEM commemorative rifle immortalizing the classic commemorative rifle issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the commemorative..."


New member
The issue was a good issue, but I do have a question.

I signed up for my NRA membership in July, and this months AR was the first thing I recieved from the NRA.

Aren't I supposed to get some sort of pack with A membership card, some stickers I can put on my car to annoy the Hippies on my campus and so on?
I won't deny the assertions here, but I do have to defend the Rifleman's mag to some extent...
I really liked the Marine Sniper Rifles article a short time back and always enjoy the Armed Citizen...


I enjoyed the read about John Wayne's personal Colt. I had no idea it was a mutt.


BTW is it me or does the number "6" in the serial number on the trigger guard of the Duke's Colt look more like a "5"?


New member
Definitely not their best issue, IMHO, but still WAY better than any other gun rag out there the vast majority of the time (excluding SWAT magazine, of course.:D)
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I'll tell you all the same thing that I told a guy who was griping about NRA's metallic handgun silhouette match coverage vs. that provided in the IHMSA journal. That's back when I was associate editor of the magazine.

NRA is an organization of great depth and breath when it comes to its members likes and dislikes.

The article that you absolutely hate might be the most fascinating thing in the world for another part of the organization.

NRA's membership is broad based in its like and activities, so the articles in Rifleman have to be, as well.