American Pionneer Powder

michael t

New member
BP impossible to find in my Area I bought a can of this. Any one ever use I fired in my flint and it shot fine and was easy to clean up Unlike that foul smelling P stuff .


New member
Yep it smells like cotton candy burning ...sugar base .
I`m supprised it worked well in a flinter ..I wouldn`t think it would .
I use it some times in B/P cartridges well in them too ...easy clean up ...almost like smokeless .


New member
Is it labled American Pioneer or Shokey Gold? Either way, it's an acceptable alternative to BP and Pyrodex. Currently I am using the American Pioneer in all of my traditionals. A Buck Skinner buddy of mine uses it in his rock crusher but he has it tuned quite well and the lock time is fast. However, as noted, there could be ignition issues as it takes a hotter spark to set it off. In short, it's good stuff that has it's roots in the Black Mag products. My future concerns are for shelf life and it's effects. This is hard to measure and will have to keep an eye one it. ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
I agree shelf life may be a problem ...I`ve got a jug I`ve been useing for 6 years off and on in my cartridges ...still works fine .
The 3f is easyer to measure than the 2f ....first jug I bought was 2f was like measureing lime stone or cannon grade powder .


New member
I`ve shot AP out of various inlines with 209 ign. and musket primer ign. with no problem. Its fairly clean and doesn`t seem to leave the 'crud ring' as bad as Pyrodex. If your worried about shelf life split a container with your shooting buddy. Also when buying new powder check the date on container. Many stores rotate there powder and put the newest stuff in back of the last years stuff;).


New member
I had some of that, but after 6 months it wasn't any good anymore. It got very weak. But, your mileage may vary.....