American Handgunner Magazine's Deterioration


New member
I just received the latest issue of American Handgunner magazine, and, sadly, it's become just another gun rag. Now they have a pro-NRA editorial, and take some really vicious - and worse, personal - swipes at Neal Knox, one of the 2nd's staunchest defenders. They think it's a GOOD thing that "ultra-zealot" Knox and his "extremist cronies" have gotten the boot...note that in calling him an "extremist" they've adapted the language of our liberal enemies.

I guess effectively fighting gun control and - worse - attempting to shine the light on some sweetheart deals that financially benefitted some of the NRA's leadership is a mortal sin.

The editorial also mentions that NRA has become much more identified with the Republican party, even giving money to the party outright, rather than to specific pro-gun candidates. So RINO Republican antis like Chaffee and McCain benefit from NRA contributions. (That's why I don't donate to the Republican party outright myself - and when I get a phone solicitation, I tell them WHY.)

Coupled with their stance on the S&W sellout - they ran a series of pro-S&W stories in a previous issue, and they still carry S&W ads - American Handgunner magazine has become more than a little unsavory, IMHO. I won't be renewing my subscription.


New member
I got away from the American Handgunner because I got tired of the same ole articles about "so-n-so's Super cool custom 1911". There are only so many ways to customize a 1911. They can't all be that special. My favorite was "Spike". The 1911 with the skull crusher spike on the heal of the gun. It was suppose to be a new Navy seal gun. We'll be able to tell a real navy seal by the hole in his hand after his first mag change. HA!!!!!!

Anyway, Soldier of Fortune and Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement are about the only mags I read regularly now.

Scott A. Vaughn

David Roberson

New member
The S&W propaganda, and the fact that in the next issue they only printed letters agreeing with that propaganda, was pretty much it for me. I was already tired of the custom knife articles (in a handgun publication? come on!) and this confirmed my decision: I won't be renewing my subscription, which lapses with this issue.

Al Mondroca

New member
Anyway, Soldier of Fortune and Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement are about the only mags I read regularly now.

SOF can be good for a laugh, I suppose. But I wouldn't be caught dead reading something with a title as elitist and alien to the spirit of the Constitution as "Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement". It grates on me every time I see that magazine on the newsstand--the very idea that there can or should be a difference between the weapons that my public servants are allowed and those that I am allowed annoys the hell out of me.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
"Weapons for Law Enforcement" might be useful for figuring out your shpiing list. For example, I know to go after such and such PD to get an MP5, such and such for an M16 :D


New member
Personally, I always thought that they should change the title of the magazine from 'Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement' to 'Cool Stuff You Can't Have.' :(


New member
American Handgunner Magazine has been in decline for some time. Their latest capitulation to S&W's "deal with the devil" convinced me that their magazine has become the worst POS on the news-stand. It seems I remember that this same magazine a few years ago attacked both S&W and Colt over their quality control deficiencies. They also gave Ruger a ration of **** over the 10 round magazine controversy. Now they are prostituting themselves for those advertising dollars.

Harris Publication's Combat Handguns is my favorite handgun magazine. It seems to have less "info-mercials" and provides interesting and thought provoking information.
Sure it contains some "bravo sierra" in some of its regular columns, but what magazine doesn't.

I still subscribe to Shooting Times. Having read it for many years, it is my sentimental favorite. Unfortunately many of its best writers have gone on to the "happy hunting grounds".


New member
I concur about the title for "G&W for L.E." I don't believe they intended to create an us versus them problem though. The magazine is written toward people interested in Law Enforcement. I really enjoy the "search and seizure" articles, very informative.

As for me, I concur that any firearm should be legal for any law abiding citizen.

Scott A. Vaughn