American Handgunner and Smith & Wesson


New member
The following was taken from Free Republic in regard to American Handgunner Magazines support of Smith & Wesson. This is offered for comment: Here is the URL for the thread:

I received this reply from The editor of American Handgunner. enjoy.

Dear Chainsaw,

Thank you for your e-mail about my article on S&W. A consumer boycott is a totally legitimate and appropriate response when a corporation grossly offends you with either their actions or, perhaps, lack of actions. I admire you for the strength of your convictions. Not too many people would be willing to deny themselves something they want-- a Weatherby, a Kimber, a Smith, even American Handgunner-- because of their principles. You are to be commended for standing up for your beliefs.

For what it's worth-- and it might not matter in the least-- I think the rampant abuse of the 10th, and the passage of the 16th amendment, have been far more harmful to America's freedom than the encroachments on the 2nd. The 2nd amendment is a theoretical amendment; it is there as a safeguard to prevent a tyrannical government from ever imposing a dicatatorship on the people. There has only been one occasion in American history when the 2nd amendment was actually employed-- the Civil War. Disgracefully, America stood idly by while Japanese-Americans were herded into internment camps during WW II. If there was ever a time that the 2nd amendment should have been actively utilized, it was then.

All the blather about our "right" to own guns is nothing but empty talk until someone truly does organize a "well regulated militia" and starts shooting these bastards in Congress! When I see armed men marching up Pennsylvania Avenue, then I will acknowledge that the 2nd amendment is actually being utilized. Until then, I find the onerous provision of the 16th amendment far more "real."

Again, thank you for your comments. I support your right to boycott S&W, although I disagree that the circumstances warrant it.

Cameron Hopkins

So I guess in Mr. Hopkins' view it's OK to squirt on the 2nd Amendment because the other two amendments are worse?

Again, yeek.

As for his view that the "situation doesn't warrant it," we can read between the lines on that response...

"I want the advertising revenue for American Handgunner, and to hell with the 2nd Amendment."

What situation WOULD warrant a boycott of S&W?

S&W allowing the government to take partial control of the company?

OH WAIT! S&W already agreed to that in the agreement it signed with HUD.

I guess in Mr. Hopkins' view, then, NOTHING would warrant a boycott of S&W.

I've bought my last AH until another AH goes.


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"Not too many people would be willing to deny themselves something they want--/-- because of their principals."

That says something about the character of Mr. Hopkins that I would be ashamed to admit.