American Guns Cancelled After Recent Events

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The Discovery channel has cancelled the hit show American Guns in apparent response to complaints after recent violent incidents. I realize the show was not really popular with most of us on this site, but should it have been canceled because of recent events. The show was apparently fairly popular and it seemed to be in position to be renewed for another season.

Some of the complaints about the show said, “Sadly your program makes buying/owning guns seem fun, glamorous, even normal” and “With Discovery shows like 'Sons of Guns', 'American Guns', 'Ted Nugent's Gun Country' etc it's not surprising how guns r seen as acceptable.” There is also some discussion in Hollywood related to some upcoming violent films and how to precede with releases and promotions.


New member
Probably an excuse to cancel opportunity to save face and appear "sensitive" to the public.

Businesses make business decisions.....

Ben Towe

New member
I just read that on Fox News, too. Apparently they felt the need to cancel a relatively wholesome show, however silly, but elected to keep Amish Mafia, which portrays an Amish mob family running a protection racket, among other things.

This is the mentality, keep the one that portrays criminal activity and illegal use of firearms. Not to mention, Amish Mafia is mind-numbingly stupid. I suggest dropping a line to Discovery about the decision, as I intend to do.

Metal god

New member
And so it begains . Irrational actions do to an irrational act :( . Better strap in it's going to get bumpy . Although the sunday talk shows like MTP were respectful to all sides . It will not stay that way .


New member
Well, I don’t consider it censorship since they canceled their own show. Also, I suspect the cancellation had more to do with advertisers jumping ship than anything else.

As I said I never really watched the show, but it did show a somewhat normal family enjoying the shooting sports and I think that was a good thing.

Ben Towe

New member
I just contacted them through their Viewer Relations department informing them I would no longer be tuning into Discovery or her sister channels and why. I will let y'all know their response, if any.


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No Amish Mafia is a real show and the comment about mind numbing stupid is a nice way of describing the show. I can't express in words what my real thoughts are on the show.


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Moonshiners isn't exactly high-brow entertainment. I have watched it to maybe catch sight of some distant family members. :D You wouldn't think they would need to use explosives so often.

P5 Guy

New member
Some of the complaints about the show said, “Sadly your program makes buying/owning guns seem fun, glamorous, even normal” and “With Discovery shows like 'Sons of Guns', 'American Guns', 'Ted Nugent's Gun Country' etc it's not surprising how guns r seen as acceptable.” There is also some discussion in Hollywood related to some upcoming violent films and how to precede with releases and promotions.

Isn't buying /owning guns fun and yes even normal for some of us. I know that I have a great time at the range and the others at the range are normal.

I have never watched the TV programs listed so maybe I'm wrong?

8MM Mauser

New member
That's amusing since according to CNN about 47% of Americans have at least one gun at home... So normal sounds like a pretty accurate description to me? I bet you couldn't get 47 percent of Americans to agree of pizza toppings FGS...

The discovery channel has turned into the "nonsense" channel in my view. When I was little I used to watch educational shows about animals and space... now they show trash TV that mKe MTV look classy, seriously!
It's censorship if the government tells them to shut it down. Otherwise, it's a business decision.

"Amish Mafia?" Am I missing something?


New member
I am suspicious. I think that may be the reason they are stating, but my guess is it has to do with something else.

Then again, thought the show was silly as all get out.


New member
"amish mafia" and the like are the reason my tv never waivers from ESPN or Fox when new epsidoes of "Family Guy" are own.

I'm just old enough to remember "Wings" and "Inside the Navy SEALs"

I sent an email to the discovery channel's viewer relations address asking how they could cancel a show that shows lawful use of firearms when "moonshiners" shows a criminal armned with an AR-15 while committing criminal acts.
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