American Ammunition Co. have you used them


New member
Amer ammo

:barf: I have only had experience with the 45 ACP and I can attest,it's not good.The company calls thier line"C-3",or complete copper coat.Close inspection of the bullet looks as if the copper shell has been hammered on to a lead bullet.Plus it was dirtier than most I've shot,which is a big negative for me.If your looking for extremely cheap ammo,try Wolf or Blazer.I reload as much as possible but as far as I'm concerned,the Magtech brand is pretty hard to beat when it comes to cost,accuracy and quality control.I even like it better than American Eagle or UMC.Then again,this is only 45ACP.


New member
Do a search on this forum.....there has been alot of discussion of A-Merc.
IMNSHO: stay away, stay FAR away.


New member
My buddy's range allows customers their own choice of ammo and some customers have showed up with A-Merc/American. There have been some squib loads and some primers falling out but no kabooms at his place.

One of his problems is that he sells the accumulated brass to reloaders and they go absolutely bananas if they find any A-Merc brass. They don't want it and avoid it like the plague.

Just my opinion, but I would avoid that stuff completely.


New member
Primer holes machined out of center.......

Cases so thin they bulge when you seat bullets while reloading......

Run. Run now.

Javelin Man

New member
You guys are way too charitable to the quality of A-Merc ammunition. It's not near as good as you guys say it is.

AOW, It is as bad or worse than what these guys are saying. I'm ashamed it has the word American on it.

M3 Pilot

New member
I've got it in 45 ACP,.30 cal & 9mm. The 9 mm runs good in my full-auto UZI. Lots of FTF with the .45 & .30 cal. Also lots of dented primers in unfired shell with the .30 cal.


New member
Do a search on every gun related forum on the net. You will find it pretty well unanimous that it is marginally as good as loading a camel **** in your chamber. I will allow it on my range for CCW qualification but it is NOT allowed for the tactical classes or long-range handgun training.